The Thorn of a Rose

"Hey Soren, it's time to wake up buddy, we need to get to Accumula in the next few hours." A male voice says softly. Vaguely, I was recognize my soft, cream colored chest being rubbed, rousing me from sleeping peacefully to gaze up at a man of about...

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The Phoenix Ch.8 - From the Ashes (Part 1)

Author's Chapter Notes: This chapter is extremely long, and I decided to make it less tiring to both you and I by splitting the chapter into two chapters. The original word count after proofreading to the end of the entire chapter was 18,605 words....

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The Phoenix Ch.8 - From the Ashes (Part 2)

The Phoenix Ch. 8 - The Phoenix Risen (Part 2) It didn't take long for me to get dressed, my excitement was fueling me to move faster as I was eager to go to my new home, and so we practically ran to the camp, the only thing slowing us down was the...

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The Phoenix (Chapter 1)

Some notes before I start, in my stories I use symbols to help prevent confusion, they are as follows: \*\*\*\*\*Date\*\*\*\*\*=Time of events in story ~Character name~=Name of character speaking ()Location()=location of events in story Now...


The Phoenix (Chapter 2)

~Charles~ \*\*\*\*\*April 11, 2008; 8:03 a.m.\*\*\*\*\* I wake up early like I always did for personal training. I try to move my legs but something is pressing down on them and preventing them from moving. I look down and to my horror the...

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The Phoenix (Chapter 3)

Dennis~ \*\*\*\*\*April 12, 2008; 7:20 a.m.\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*Dreaming\*\*\* I'm in a stadium with a crowd cheering and chanting my name. I recognize it as the Elite Four arena. I see the champion across the arena from me, pokeball in...

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The Phoenix (Chapter 4)

~Dennis~ \*\*\*\*\*April 12, 2008; 11:20p.m. \*\*\*\*\* I pick up the phone to report back to headquarters. It takes me about five minutes to get through to my father, who was one of the higher ranking officials in Team Rocket. I hesitantly...

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The Phoenix Chapter 5

~Charles~ \*\*\*\*\*April 14, 2008; 2:34 p.m. \*\*\*\*\* I had been sitting with my newly hatched Riolu for a few hours now, and she had just now stirred from her peaceful rest. I found her sleeping form to be soothing; her small chest moving up...

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The Phoenix (Chapter 6-Memories)

Author's Chapter Notes: Won't spoil anything, but please do the poll that I have started. I am going to start doing a poll on every chapter and story I write, the question will be in the end notes. It doesn't take very long to answer them, it...

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The Phoenix, Chapter 7-Ding Dong Ditch

Turned out MUCH shorter than I would have liked it too, only about 2k words long x.x it is, chapter 7. Please answer the poll at the end of the story! I will not be submitting anything new for the next 3 months as I have a job at a...

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Why Me? Chapter 1 - The Beginning of the End

Why me? Chapter 1-The Beginning of the End "Why me?" The question had entered my head many times, and each time I came up with the same answer, I was the smallest of the triplets of which I had been born, even though I was the first hatched from the...

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Happy Valentine's Day Ben

Summary: Love is indeed a beast, one both fearsome and yet at the same time calming. However we talk about love in simple terms, in cards and candies, but what really is love? Some define love as a form of lust; others define it as wanting to spend the...

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