It was nearly 1:30am, Adam glanced at the clock as he snuggled back in. The three had taken a shower together, and it was as awkward and cumbersome as expected, but still fun. Max and Adam fit in no problem, but adding Vince who was...
Midnight Indigestion
"i think so.... just a bit of.... ooagh.... indigestion..." she whimpered softly, followed by a particularly loud rumble. "i think i'll be...." **\*fffffrrraaaaaaafffffssshhhltttptptpppp\*** "oh god!"
Father's Day
"_ and this weird sentient indigestion thingy came back down to turk's bladder and testicles.
Well, He's Not a Scorpion
Thankfully, cody was indigestible, so only having gotten snatched up was far preferable to scrapes, broken bones and the like, or a predator that chews its meals.
indigestion the main cause of the unsettled world. the pounding of the war drums fade as more and more souls depart along the dream river, the styxian shore awaiting their arrival... ?why? why have you done this?
M'ress - ever hopeful
Fingernails and hair were quite indigestible as far as she was concerned and it occurred to her she didn't know what color her meal's hair was.
Compressed Turkey
#131 of patreon reward vignettes fourteenth vignette for kobalt (twelfth with cody) a thanksgiving themed vignette, where cody shows another one of his talents as an indigestible micro.
POV vore - polar bear and you
Wait, there's one indigestible thing on your person. you dig out your cell phone. it works! more light. turning on its flashlight function is a mistake. it was already horrible in here and better light turns it into a scene from the blob.
A Piece of Cake
Contains: micro, storebought cake, gettin' messy, accidental unaware pred, getting discovered in the mouth, food mastication around micro, getting swallowed anyway, indigestible prey and blushy time getting churned around with food in stomach.
Combat Vignette 3
"damn indigestibles..." he muttered before washing off the necklace in the sink and putting the hairball in the trash.
Protesting Pegasus Protein
The muffled noises of distress soon evaporating as the swaying stomach stilled, allowing a more colourful tone to creep onto rose's cheeks as the indigestion of her disagreeable dinner disappeared with the single puff of gastric wind.
Reptilia Squad - First Chapter
Two weeks ago that lizard devoured a poodle dog, which gave him the nastiest indigestion in a month. this time was a basset.