Kangaroo Transformation
The next image showed the same woman with the long ears of a kangaroo, and a tail protruding from her tailbone. after that, the image showed a woman with kangaroo-like legs and arms, and covered in fur. "huh."
The Kangaroo Party
The awaiting roo sighed in pleasure until the otter was satisfied. he moved behind the awaiting roo and put his tip to the quivering tailhole. slowly he entered the roo, savoring the tight entrance.
Kangaroo Lover
"yes my kangaroo - yes!"
Claude's Kangaroo
Evan begins to strip, and i want to swoon seeing his hot, buff boomer body, and his huge roo dick. like all kangaroos his balls are above his huge dick, and they are plump and full looking.
A Teenage Kangaroo's Dilema
The kangaroo looked around his room again, suddenly an image of a gray shape climbing out of a window flashed in his mind. "is that my window?" the kangaroo checked his window, "who was climbing out of my window?"
The Blind Kangaroo Samurai
After that thing's went well, i faced my final opponent in the championship match and beat him, which made me, a blind roo, the champion of the tri state area. not to shabby.
Nailed By A Kangaroo Carpenter
I always heard that roo cocks were long, thin, and tapered, but obviously nobody told paul's monster roo cock. i've heard some of the other guys call him paul rogan. i've heard him speak and his deep voice is hot.
Roo The Nasty Kangaroo
roo learns his lesson about losing himself in his stinky feet max was a young kangaroo boy with an unbridled passion for his feet. they were large, smelly, and sweaty, but he reveled in their pungent aroma.
Hundred Acre Woods:
roo stood there surprised to see another kangaroo, since he never seen another before. the male kangaroo had a shirt and a tie on.
Roo and Denny In (Lost in the 100 acre wood.) PT. II
Asked roo. "yeah, why not!?" half asked pooh. "but that's kinda weird." said roo. "what if we pooped behind the toilet, would that make this feel any better to you roo?" i asked. roo was dancing funny, with his eyes half open. "are you ok little roo?"
Birthday Wishes - M/M - Chapter Two - FINAL
"no, my love - " stephen told him, then walked around the kangaroo and crouched down, lifting the kangaroo's head back up to stare into his eyes.
Helping Paws Chapter 1
The kid flattened his ears, turned to roo, and, whimpering, wrapped his arms around him. roo nearly gave him an emmy on the spot. "this will never happen again sir," roo said, looking up at the taller clerk.