a small high
They've been consuming cannabis longer than you have, so you knew they had some "stoner engineering" up their sleeve, but they really outdid themselves for you.
Oh Teacher, Teacher part 2
The aura around the place became heavier as the smells of marijuana and alcohol overcame sam's nose, but he kept his eyes down and just continued walking.
Herbal Essences
"for illegal possession, dealing, and ingesting of marijuana, and this being the 10th , tenth! time you have been brought before this court on this charge, i sentence you to fourteen months community service as a security guard.
Our Upstairs Neighbors
Besides, milo and i have dealing weed for years and we've only come close to being caught once." the tigress gritted her teeth and forced the plastic seal open, sending a third of the packet's contents into a brownish, grainy cloud.
Stray Skunk pt 1
Stretching the weed out got a little painful at the end; even though the cougar's stuff was good, the little bits of weed that were left seemed like they were seeds or worse, making both her and leon cough.
Failure to Leave
When Wires got home from work the next day, he was greeted by a familiar silence. The TV had been turned off, and Keisha was asleep in the popcorn bowl, curled up amongst a pile of red-speckled napkins. There was a small, sloppily-written note pinned...
She thought all of this as she passed the blunt once more across the table to tez, smiling a relieved smile. as the exchange of marijuana took place, his hand brushed hers lightly and she felt... a shock.
No Escape From Reality (pt 11)
"and the tube, you called it a joint?" "weed." "weed?" "mary jane, ganja, four-twenty..." she rattled off several names and he just looked at her, understanding none of them.
I Love My Horsey
He came to the room with a bottle of champagne, two crystal chalices, a quarter of weed, and a double-hosed hooka. "oh roan...."
Rodent's Special Trip
It didn't take him long to figure out the smell; it was marijuana, and not the terrible stuff. this was amazing quality he could smell, one that he would pay an arm and leg to savor a few grams of it.
Figuring Things Out--An Introduction
_Hello everyone. I am sorry for my sporadic nature in my scheudule. Today is the first day I've had available to begin work on Zee's story. This is going to be a multi-part segment. Essentially, I'm going to post as pieces become available. This is...
The thought of trying weed for the first time was thrilling and, he decided, why the hell not? his email was answered within minutes with a set of prices and an address.