So fat and slobbish chase is never dressed and sits quite nude with food of which he's fond; inside his fupa there it is recessed - the stubby dick he vibrates with a wand.
Stinky's Slobbish Fate
"You know what I really enjoy about you Stinky?" Grant says, running his hand over your matted back fur. "Uhh no!" You say, snuggling into the dog's chest. "I love that you're too dumb to know when you are being made fun of and taken advantage of....
Pawsburg CYOA - Powerless
Instead he offered back, hoping to help her with her slobbish ways, 'why don't you just help me sort your clothes?'
The furred dragon was currently rousing himself from his latest binge, one that had left him too full to even belch or fart, which was a rare occurrence given that such slobbish behavior was now commonplace for the beached whale of a drake.
Two and A Half Orcs Chapter 1 (Exclusive teaser)
It was a truly revolting sight worthy of the slobbish machinations of orcs in their prime. "hehe, alright, go ahead and swallow and get to the rest."
Delivery Boy
Contains a fat slobbish pig, oral rape, vore, foreskin, heavy musk, dick cheese and fatal digestion second warning! at the request of a very good friend i made an edit to the ending to include a disposal scene.
Unbound Avarice
This story contains: male/male inanimate transformation messy/slobbish apollo is (c) to kanada is (c) to kanada (over on fa) blitz is (c) to blitzkriegotter (over on fa) **unbound avarice** **written by: zylen andel** **brought to you by: my
Thick and Thick Outro
He had to hope that the 'food' had been unloaded by this point, and that all he would have to do is start giving direction for it to be shoved into the gluttonous mound of grey, slobbish fluff so that he could be nice and full before bed.
Thief's Bane
Or would his fixation on the slobbish, darkened desires zero in quickly and conquer him?
Things happen so fast it can become a blur
He is a bit portly obviously a man not ashamed to pack away the food, but he pulls off more of a jolly old saint nick look than slobbish.
Ellie's first party
An unintentional invitation to either feed her fatter or to use her mouth whether the slobbish fatty wanted to or not. this was enough to push maddison over the edge, and her member throbbed ever so hard into the tight hole.
For some, becoming the stereotype of a slobbish ex-jock wouldn't be exciting... but it was a craving i felt i couldn't deny. i snatched up a t-shirt - a 5xl - from the top of one of the larger heaps and then tugged off my current shirt.