"heh... now your shirt is really stained." the otter joked as he cuddled up to the dog who was quickly falling asleep. "yeah i guess so," yawned sasha as he slowly faded off into his dreams.
Stains and Tracks
The shepherd found himself carrying the box up the driveway, stepping over half dozen or so soggy newspapers accompanying the oil stains on the concrete.
Scent of a stain
Of course, it left a new stain.
StarFox Stained
Starfox stained epilogue for limemas by draconicon as the only member of the team that hadn't been so completely broken, falco was the one that was given the most freedom among the 'bitch team,' as star wolf had taken to calling
Striped (And Stained)
Once he'd finished, the yellowish stain had coursed its way all the way from the top of tekh's muzzle, down around his chin, along his neck and chest, and then finally down his belly to follow the line of his sheath and sack...
Stained Purity Chapter 12
#12 of critterian saga, stained purity had a hard time writing this, i must say. just never found true inspiration, and with sleeping issues i've had a hard time doing things period, but it is done now, yay!
Stained Purity Chapter 11
#11 of critterian saga, stained purity a father stand s concerned for both future and past events as ramirez and na t'hel make their way through the calm landscape.
Stained Purity Chapter 9
#9 of critterian saga, stained purity ramirez and na t'hel soar through the skies as they reveal more about themselves to eachother. yeah, no... and i was not involved in the ambulance crash in here yesterday >..>'edit nobody saw that!
Stained Purity Chapter 10
#10 of critterian saga, stained purity ramirez and na t'hel are greeted with a fiery welcome, and ramirez turns out to be more special than na t'hel originally thought. meh, just meh... i'm running out of ideas. xd oh!
Stained Purity Chapter 8
#8 of critterian saga, stained purity ramirez and na t'hel skillfully escape the dragoon prison. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! im an ambulaaaaaaaaaance! weeeee, wooooo, weeeee, wooooo, weeeeeee, woooooo, wee- screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech, crash.
Stained Purity Chapter 7
#7 of critterian saga, stained purity ramirez and na t'hel try to escape the dragoons prison. arf! arf arf arf, arf arf. arf? woof woof woof woof, bark!
Stained Purity Chapter 6
#6 of critterian saga, stained purity a miscalculation leads to imminent capture as ramirez tries to flee from the guards. beep... beep... beep... beep.. beep...