Chapter 1 - Olivine Memories
steelix sets upright and looks up, as skyfire comes down feet first and bashes steelix just below his face, knocking him completely backward. "whoa!" mina says out loud, surprised at the charizard's attack. steelix sets back up again.
Chapter Three: Onward to Oreburgh
The steelix turned to face the oncoming attack, but was unable to move fast enough to dodge the lightning quick strike, resulting in the steelix recoiling from a full force mach punch hitting it square in the jaw.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Olivine Gym and Safari Zone
Quagsire created a huge wave of muddy water which circled around steelix. it was super effective too so steelix was having some difficulties. "steelix escape by using dig!"
Phoenix's Story - Chapter Four
I had a goal - distract the steelix.
Chill the swamps and Enter the Altered Chapter 14
Shadow's paws grew red glowing claws, he pounced on the side of the steelix's face. he stared into the steelix's eye, shadow's eyes glowed red. the steelix's eyes looked in all directions, as if confused.
Chapter 4: A Shocking Revelation Part 2
Gardevoir said before turning her attention to the steelix."sweet, a fairy, and a hydra to deal with." steelix said out of sarcasm. "i may as well go down fighting."
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 12 - Where, am I?
The steelix almost had him, only being about 2 meters away. kyurex tried to speed up, and forgot everything, he had to do it, even if he was badly hurt before. agility. he sped up, and successfully left the raging steelix behind.
The orphaned Riolu chapter 1
"(yep)" steelix said.
Last Minute Check Before Adventure
Daimon the steelix opens and shuts its jaw while he thinks also making sure that the clipboard is clutched carefully by it's tail segments.
The Eevee Chronicles part 5
The rampaging steelix has returned and is now attacking the building. all available personnel please assist in repelling the steelix. all available personnel please assist in repelling the steelix. that is all."
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Mystic Remnants - Chapter Twelve
Rook howled as he ran at the steelix and he gripped his paw.
Conquered at Last
He laid there unmoving, and the steelix was going in for the kill strike! "no!"