
I, being a stupid young scientist, decided i would do my part to help design the next incarnation of the teleporter. unknowing to me, the advisors wanted me to be the test subject. so here i was. the big day.

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Sif's Magnum Opus

But he would not give in when he was this close to capturing the very incarnation of beauty. for a brief moment, their eyes met. a whimper escaped sif's lips as he viewed the glassy window into the lizard's labyrinthine blue eyes.

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Zombies are Wankers: Long Time No Read

"no, but it was pure lion awesome incarnate wooo i am awesome!" he replied.

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File #2 - "Shadows"

Enterprise-e which managed to repel an attack from a dangerous new incarnation of the borg which existed within fluidic space.

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For No Apparent Reason- Intro, A1S1

He believes that the grim reaper which he sees outside his window is actually the skeleton of ned hadley given unholy life as death incarnate.

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Today's Tom Sawyer

The fox looked around, scratched his head, and began to explain his reason for being the modern incarnation of his favorite literary hero "because... because i wanted to, 'dat's why.

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If she was pretty at 16, she was beauty incarnate at 21. the physical scars of her experience (if any) had faded, but the emotional scars still persisted.

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Gwen's Test

They were what he thought of as the incarnations of his humanity. the shoryu, gwen, made sure he had knowledge. the snake, ulysses, kept his speed. the croc, adam, helped his strength. the horse, richard, delivered endurance.

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Tears of the Abyss - Part 1

They are convenience incarnate and the applications are endless. you could order snacks, plan a party, invite guests, hire a contract killer, kill those guests and call the clean up service, all through the little device on your wrist.

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The Elohim, Myth and Reality

I am the goddess inanna, incarnate. if this bugs you, tough shit. if you think it's impossible, too bad because it's true regardless of what you think.


Ceowolf's Background Info (Character Development - WIP)

Bit of back story: as an incarnate of his former self, as years come to pass, the ever changing seal on my back maintains its hold on a demon.

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A Bird and a Dragon - Chapter 1

[a long time ago] narrator pov we arrive at file city (the re:digitize incarnation) to see a young hawkmon strolling through the streets of the town when he overheard some folk chatting. airdramon: hey! did you hear that a new digimon is moving here?

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