A Change in Perspective [COM]

Oh, how he adored that his employee's gut hadn't vanished, merely taken on a new life as all fat that used to be there became replaced by densely-packed muscle mass.

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Promotion [PTRN][RWD]

He barely had muscle to speak of, and was far slenderer in comparison to even his similarly-sized colleagues. compared to these two, however? he felt like a child who'd wandered into an adult club.

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Blacksad: Taking the Plunge [PTRN]

Broad strokes worked over the muscle, tracing the ridge where it connected with the others as it meandered over to his tricep. it couldn't get enough of the muscle that grew bigger than his arm initially was.

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Accidental Lab Rat [PTRN][RWD]

It was the perfect timing to obscure his burgeoning quads, the muscle groups blimping up like party balloons.

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Blacksad: Taking the Plunge [TSR]

Fully intent on provoking the detective's libido, he focused his efforts onto one of the taller man's quads, hands firmly gripping onto the bloated muscle group, feeling it flex twice its size.

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The King of All Realities [PTRN]

Every single hyper muscle on his gargantuan form tensed with excitement as he bobbed his hands along his shaft.

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Trial by Fire [PTRN][RWD]

Every movement of his arms undulated the hilly muscle mass this way and that, bunching his bulk and stimulating him further.

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What Lurks Beneath [COM]

More snorts came from raido as he explored the femboy's burgeoning muscles. it seemed that the caribou was growing rather lean, but that didn't phase him in the slightest. the striated muscle felt just as good to caress as his own.

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A Shower for Ursula

A Shower for Ursula "RAH HAH HA!!!" Another day, another bounty! _FWAP! FWAP!_ Such vicious sounding wings. They filled the air, a near deafening howl that caused birds to soar from the safety of their canopies. Gaze up, and you'd see the bright...

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Bandle City Beefcakes Ch. 9

The way it massaged his tired muscles felt heavenly, especially since he knew what came next.

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LorneLyon's Disney TF Stories: The Aristocats

Rest was huge, his whole body got the form of an enormous strong man, including a turtle shell muscle gut. too big that rest had outgrown the bushes, forcing himself and timothy to retreat into another but taller bushes.

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Atop the Food Chain [TSR]

Why'd you pick such an odd-" legoshi immediately froze when he saw the red deer; he now knew exactly why the scent had been so strong. "louis?!" "surprised to see me?"

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