Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 8

They spent most of the day together playing wii and other video games and card games. before long, it was getting dark and cody was feeling really sleepy.

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Werewolf Village (Yiff)

I was confined to my room, which now had a wii(tm) and more personal items.

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Haviir und Jorun - Discobesuch

Dies taten die beiden schlieãÿlich auch, rã¤umten auf und verbrachten erstmal etwas zeit vor der wii. plã¶tzlich hã¶rten beide wie ein schlã¼ssel im tã¼rschloss umgedreht wurde.

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My Highschool Dream Love Part 6

We played the wii a lot. since i was the only the only one who owned one, i was doing the best at it. however, the majority of my friends put a good fight against me. dinner came shortly after, and we had the food we always ate at partys, pizza.

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Bowser's New Girlfriend!!!! Ch:34 Free

They also bought a wii u and super mario 3d world. then jewelia got her bellybutton, upper right ear, bottom of both ears, left side of the lip, and both nose holes pierced. then they went back to the castle. when they got back, bowser looked worried.

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A Remote Possibility

"hey, let's hook up the wii tonight and have a sports competition." geno suggested. "we can start off with archery, then we can try bowling, and we can finish with some boxing."

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The Adventures of Rex the Husky-Vodka, the New Truth Serum

After a couple of minutes rex and romell were finally unpacked, the wii was set up, their clothes were hung, and now the only problem that remained was what to do about dinner.

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Drops dripped from the eaves of the houses as rik sat on his sofa, the wii u gamepad buttons clicking under his fingers as he figured out where to place the boo in his new super mario bros. u level.

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A Bump in the Night 7a: Two's Company...

Oh yeah, go play with him on the wii like nothing happened, i'll come up shortly with something to drink, and if he says anything, let me handle it." tommy frowned, "but how are we going to explain.." she cut him off, "let me worry about that!

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Kereika High School- Part 3: Ryu Moves In; A Night in Paradise

." * * * we spent the rest of the day playing mario kart wii, and smash bros. brawl against each other, then ate dinner, and went to bed; we didn't have school tomorrow, as it would be saturday, but we were both kinda tired.

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High Tail High Chapter 3: New Love

It would be thirty minutes or less, which in that time the two set up david's wii and studied just a little for his chemistry. "heh, wanna scare the pizza guy?" david pirked a brow curiously, "how?" mark chuckled and stood up.

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Bob's Election Day Special

He lets me play with his wii. he'd be a good president. what do i gotta do?" "promise you'll do what i ask no matter what?" bob grins as the boy nods his head energetically. "good lad. now i want you to help with this."

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