Iron Author #19: Mating Bite
#7 of iron author it has been far too long since i last posted a story and hopefully i don't jinx anything by saying i hope the next one will be up in a few days!
Dragon RP-Note From Author
Hey guys,It's Joe,but you probbaly know me as The BlackPlauge21,or Tyro243 lol. I've seen other books like this on Wattpad,role plays and the like. But I was never sastisfied with the character systems,or the worlds they provide. Never liked the...
Iron Author #2: The Perfect Morning
#24 of iron author vincent yawned and stretched his arms over to the other side of the bed, only to find that his fox had already gotten out of bed.
Iron Author #25: The Glorified Gluttony
#1 of iron author it's been far too long since i've posted anything blah blah blah i hope this satisfies blah blah more should be coming soon etc. etc. i've said that before. anyway, this is a non-erotic vore story.
Valandor's Obsessions (Iron Author #13)
The massive wolf known as Valandor fell asleep right where the two wolfesses left him. While he enjoyed the bulk up that he had gained, it used a lot of energy to move around. Yet, despite being asleep, he saw growth and sex in his dreams. It was as...
Valandor's obssession(Iron Author #10)
* * * iron author # 10 for heroic ones over on fa...still have one slot open in the third batch
Author's Update: Up Until Now...
Hey guys it's me TX, long time no see, eh? Man, it's been a while since I saw you guys *hugs everyone*. But getting to my point I'm just giving you an update on what I've been doing and what's happening in my life so far. So mainly I've been okay...
Iron Author #18: Gentle Giant
#8 of iron author i'm sorry i haven't posted in a while, but i plan to fix that now! what i mean by gentle giant is a larger but submissive partner to a small dominant one, for those of you that haven't guesses that already :p "stay."
Author's Update - I Can't Go On
Hey guys... I know it's been a while, and there's something I want you let you know. I... I can't do this anymore... at least not for now. *shudders and tears up* I feel like I lost everything, I don't know what to do, think, or feel anymore; the fact...
Iron Author #24 Buttsex with Friends
#2 of iron author this story is for my buddy also, if you want someone to write a sequel you should go bug him >:3 his brown eyelids fluttered towards sleep, head laying on the pillow with his antenna carefully, if subconsciously, kept
Iron Author #11: Rhythm of Lust
#15 of iron author you know those people that crank up the base in their cars so high you can feel it from across the parking lot? i found out why they do it!! :o his smile was as wide as the san andreas fault.
Iron Author #10: Double Duty
#16 of iron author double dicks for double digits! woo! i was curious as to how you would masturbate with two cocks instead of just one, so that was largely what this whole piece was.