The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the Past - Chapter 22: Stars

Cynder joyful moment got interrupted when yellow dragonfly hit her to her side and dropped on ground flat.

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Clown Mare 10-3

dragonfly took a cup of tea, letting his salve veillios go. "i don't care for her if i'm honest about it as long i breed so i can have more children to receive my wealth when i'm gone."

cynder x spyro love and lies ch.6

The dragon yelled, and a light blue dragonfly appered at his side.

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Spyro and the Sun God: Chapter 2

He blinked, staring up at the hand's owner, who happened to be another dragonfly.   "why, hello" the pink dragonfly said, "nice breakfast around here, wouldn't you say?" sparx dropped his jaw from amazement and stayed there, frozen in place.

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TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 13)

The small dragonfly put much emphasis on the final word. spyro was almost amazed by how calm his half brother was with cynder so close.

Unnecessary Confessions

In the distance the brook gurgled, a fainter part of spring's hymn, twining with the buzzing of the dragonflies around him. one of the dragonflies landed on his muzzle. he sneezed and launched it into the air once more.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 18

Cynder sidestepped every time spyro moved, she kept walking low on her paws, watching the dragonfly intently just like a lioness hunts her prey " sort it out yourselves, i'm staying out of it" spyro shook his foreleg violently making the dragonfly lose his

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VI Chapter 16

"on peace's" "alright" the dragonfly huffed, dropping his hands down "dude, you have plans or you want to join our team?" flare cocked his head to the side. "team?" coriza narrowed her eyes curiously on the dragonfly.

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