This Place called Home

In this place that i call home.

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Changing places a little...

A pretty calm place.    the sun was still high on the blue sky. there were clouds and, even if it was three in the afternoon, it was a pretty cold day.    i started to think on what liontari just said. should i act like an adult?

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3.4 - No Hiding Place

Maybe it hadn't been locked in the first place, but they couldn't take the chance. if the wasps heard them trying to pry it open, they'd be warned.

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In All Familiar Places

Dad grinned from his place by the stove, where he stood happily frying his bacon while his tail danced the tango behind him. "hey," i rumbled.

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HAWWpiest Place on Earth

It's the least i can do since you changed because of this place... but i want to offer you jobs, a home, food, and a lifetime of pleasure.

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Learn Your Place

He moaned at her, wriggling in place and panting a little more heavily, but after a few moments he subsided to listen to her. "i'm going to go wait for you at the cave entrance...

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390 In The High Places

V=nqrn4ehu0eu save point: in the high places the battle of kalikshutra "_what is this place?"

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Earning His Place

He needed to find a place where he could experiment and test his limits, until the night would lead him back to his own place.

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That Place 8: Heaven

There's lots of people that'd want a second, third, sixth, eighth pet, but more and more places only allow a certain number, usually 4 or less.

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That Place 4: The Routine

#4 of that place the next morning i must have slept in because i woke up to the sound of yelping and rattling as the metal guillotine doors were raised and one by one the dogs were booted, sometimes literally, out into the outdoor runs by tom.

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That Place 2: Trouble

I've never seen it but some of the dogs that get taken on walks say there's another place outside, a sort of metal den, where those dogs go.... dead.

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