Character Sheet. [free use]

Explain what happened when the oc was a infant then progress to toddler, then child, then teenager, then present age. explain all the little details of how he may of gotten his scars, what surgery they have had, who their enemies/friends were.


Bani Lore! Water!

He is a morning bun and actully helps the nannys to bathe newborns, toddlers, and childeren.

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Denny Mouse, Alone With 2-year-old Fievel.

References of toddler sex, this stuff isn't natural. warning, abuse and forced sexual contact. this story takes place in russia, in a time before yasha was born. my day started out a little boring.

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Baby Hunny Goes to Church

Mommy, daddy and koda treated him like a toddler, sure, but this was something else entirely.

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A New Beginning CHPT 4

She opened her eyes and looked down to see celty standing, looking up at her with the sweetest of smiles any toddler could give.

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The Technically a Yard Sale if You Think About It

Suddenly, sophia cycled backwards in age rapidly, going from grade schooler to toddler, to baby. she barely had time to register what happened as she dropped the silver dragon statue as a silver and blue barrier formed around her.

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A Mother Knows Best

Adam pouted as his adult musculature condensed, his body shrinking as once supple, masculine muscle was replaced with the plump, adipose fat of a toddler.

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Diapers & Drunks Ch.1

Then take the mattress to the balcony so the whole fuckin' world can see you pissed the bed like a... like a fuckin' toddler! i'll get the washing on, you'd just fuck that up too."

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Everywhere i go, everywhere i look i see men and women alike repeating the same routines day by day like a toddler circling the block on his trike it seems to be the way of the world today back to the same place over and over again an everlasting loop

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Vignettes: Like Father, Like Son

The rabbit teen just stood in a mix of shock and amusement as his dad got younger still, now just a toddler, then a baby.

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Diaper Training - Ch1, Awakening

He had just... wet his pants, just like a toddler... in a _diaper,_no less... something he hadn't done since he was an _actual_ kitten, potty trained before he could even remember doing it.

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Helping Paws Chapter 2

Well, you start with 'toddler' privileges. the better you behave, the quicker you gain higher privilege levels." his tail wagged a little. arvy puffed out a forlorn little sigh. "all right. 'toddler' level."

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