Whiskey in the Jar 1

Salvatore's is a nice enough establishment. The food there is of a high quality, and the prices match. Such a place is not outside of Arya's budget, but her concern tonight isn't with her pocketbook, it is with her integrity. Her uncle's message came...

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The Christina Situation : Chapter One

(A short 860ish words to kick things off in this babyfur adventure! Chapter One is just setting up the main character as well as hinting about the sort of home life she has. The real fun will start with Chapter Two! Hopefully things won't look too...

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Party Hard - Chapter 2

It had been a while and he was sure that the small bit of alcohol he had didn't help much. he huffed through his nose as his tongue worked at the leaking tip, gathering up the copious amount of precum that was spilling from it.

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Untill The End: The way it is [chapter 2]

Say...i've got a bar, a bartender, and of course, alcohol, at my place. why not, just come to my place, hmm?" as the tiger asked the question, it turned its full attention to the powerfull looking, yet cute faced young vulpine sitting next to him.

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Beefy's Story: Part 7

I wasn't too sure what to do, but i had to admit the alcohol made me a bit horny. the two nearly nude men made the first move, crawling across the bed to where i sat stupidly and they pulled my shirt off, and tugged at my pants.

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Pink Champagne

It wasn't really forced, i drank it freely and didn't object, but i wouldn't have drank any of the alcohol if he hadn't done what he did.

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On Crimson tide's

At about 10:30 friday night november the 8th captain conners fell into what appears to be a drunken stupor i can only guess at how much alcohol he consumed before i arrived seeing as it is late i have decided to provide the captain a room for the night in

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Family Affair

The stench of alcohol exuded from the man's mouth. dulion hung his head. there was no way this was going to end well. "i am dr. tennant." responded the doctor. "can i help you?" "yeah." the man answered. "you can get the hell out of my bar, freak.

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The War's Remnants

Through the open window of the Greyhound bar, a beam of light escaped and helped to brighten up the silent street. The bar was the place to be but, unusually, it was rather quiet for the time of night. However, it was still more welcoming than the...

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Chapter 16: Gratitude

"uh yeah...but you should really sleep off the alcohol." "but we haven't done stuff yet!" smiling coquettishly she added, "besides, i always fall asleep quicker after we do stuff."

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New Year's Eve

A/N: The FBA and the San Jose Thrust are creations of Buck Hopper. Shane Rufus belongs to Shane Rufus, Devon Kellendyne belongs to KM Hirosaki, and Nickie Robespierre belongs to Sam Gwosdz. * * * Nickie sighed as she watched Shane pass the ball out...

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Chapter I: A Drink Called Loneliness

It's better than drinkin' alone," he said, grinning, then turned to the bartender and ordered two cocktails with some strange name kaeden's alcohol-riddled mind couldn't understand.

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