Tralla of Torlog

He walked down the back row and stopped in front of one of the troopers. he sighed and gave the trooper a look. then he leaned in and whispered. "next time princess, don't forget the boots!

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Quiet Voices

"trooper, his name was, or old trooper by that time. he was an older gelding, and his eyesight had been failing as well.

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Zero Point Chapter 24: Breakout

* * * movement coupled by the explosive sounds of projectile weapons echoed against the stunners the other troopers deployed.

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New Dark Champion

Heading back to his ship, kharr could hear the small comment from one of his troopers about how lucky the general was. these troopers are well aware of what would happen if someone did that to a sith lord in the empire.

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Reaper Graesham Campaign: Episode 4

"you're going to have to try _way_ harder than that if you plan to kill me," he said, dropping the anvil trooper unceremoniously onto the ground. the trooper's helmet rolled off...

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Silent Stalker

Donkers looked at the trooper and the human. "trooper, is there something wrong with that animal?" the trooper came to full attention. "yes sir! this human seems to have become unresponsive!

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Do the troopers let you work off-duty?" "ah... yeah." the distractions were aplenty. "you'd make a good bouncer." julie leaned forward to once again give an inviting view.

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Vince and Rocky: PART SEVEN

The death troopers are going on assignment with the sky riders. looks like you're stuck with me after all." rocky wiped his eyes slowly. "r-really?

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Vince and Rocky: Chapter 7

The death troopers are going on assignment with the sky riders. looks like you're stuck with me after all." rocky wiped his eyes slowly. "r-really?

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Star Wars VIII: Shadows of the Past (6)

"i can't see a thing in this mess," one of the troopers remarked to his friend, who nudge him to be quiet. the three came to a normal-sized durasteel door. even in the darkness, they could see it had been covered with sand for a long time.

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Army Ranger - Poem for Wolf Trooper

#5 of free poetry for others this was a poem written for wolf trooper based on his request on this journal: his request was: "try doing one about the us army rangers!" ask, and you shall receive.

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Just a Walk in the Woods - Ep6

"you might want to give the smokeys a heads up that, as i act as her lawyer as well as the pi she hired, i will have to advise her of the chances of a successful suit against the state troopers.

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