Gazimon and Renamon's Drunken Delights
No matter how many times the gray furry cabbit digimon denied it, renamon knew that there must be something there.
Leomon, Savior or Slut?
It's not unusual for other digimon to come to me in times of concern, being such a large digimon i'm used to being looked up to and requested aid from.
Digimon: Consorting with Demons
You could barely do shit against another rookie digimon, what are you going to do to five champions?" the smug, muscular digimon said as he approached the small purple digimon. impmon sighed, "you really are thick, aren't you.
Digital Corruption: Garurumon's Patrol
The wolf digimon turned and started to run through the forest, ideas of having sexy male digimon surrounding him. as the digimon ran he caught scent of something, a lone male digimon.
Takato's Coming of Age - Chapter 3
Everything she had believed about digimon, her digimon, was wrong. it wasn't strength that caused a digimon to evolve; it was the bond with their partner. which meant... if digimon weren't just tools for fighting then...
Blood in the Moonlight 2
"why would digimon worship a human god?" she chuckled. "why not?" "can't argue with that i guess." she chuckled again. "well if you must know, some digimon do worship digimon gods but usually only the beast type do."
Digi-Night (Full and Done)
As link knelt over him crying saying he would be fine, the digimon made him promise that if any other digimon wanted to be his partner, to allow them to, for him.
What Happens in the Lavatory...
Not only was another digimon in here, but it was another male digimon. this wasn't the girls' bathroom at all. it was the boys' bathroom.
Walmart Digi-Blast
, now is not the time to disappear jake " ( forget about him tsume we have to find that digimon.) said lunamon " but , why would a digimon be here?...
Digimon - New Generation - Kapitel II - Battle-Card Kampf
Bei zwei anderen kindern wackelten auch die digimon-hologramme. eins schrie: „und ich war gerade am gewinnen! so ein mist!" da schien es, als würden sich die digimon materialisieren!
The Fire of Courage 01: First Impressions
"it must be some kind of big digimon!" yolei said. "we'd better get ready in case it comes our way!" "but yolei!" said cody. "our digimon just woke up! look at armadillomon--he's still half-asleep!"
Breaking Tail 01 - Captured
Gatomon had a sense that this woman might be a digimon, but felt confused as to whether this figure was actually a digimon or was a human imitating one. if she was a human, the resemblance and bearing to a digimon was uncanny.