Chapter one: In which the protagonist is antagonizing.
_ apparently the young athrati didn't want to go with them either, trying to break out of their grasp once she got re-collared. she managed to break out into the street, and she got shocked for her efforts.
Welcome To The Jungle Part 2
I can only block thoughts for so many people for so long. someone will notice and put two and two together,~ she sighed, ~i'm going to break out of here in a while, though. want to come with?~ 'you want me to break out with you?
My Beloved Wolf Eyes
He nods "yup" he breaks out laughing. "it gets better.
Top Percentage Lucario: Incineroar
His tongue was greeted by heat that made him break out in a sweat, the taste of musk heavy on his tongue. "holy shit."
The Last Leg
I then turn around and head into our camp when the first man's voice breaks out in a whine, "please no. we, we want to join; i can't keep these people safe."
Juryokine: Chapter Thirty Three
I expected you to break out of that cell much faster than you did." "you..." to his disbelief, navras actually laughed. "of course i knew you were going to break out! there wasn't a doubt in my mind, my dear boy!
Well Kept Witness
Those days might be over if he didn't break out of the smelly, silky rope. fang started his struggles anew.
Secret Rendezvous
In the sunlight, his skin would break out in hives and he would feel ill for days. in addition to being allergic to sunlight, he was albinistic. remy was clad in white jeans and a black hawaiian shirt adorned with white parrots.
The Bully Hunter and the Brat
"cause i'm not letting go until you do, and you can't break out." "and why would i wanna break out?" he quipped, sneaking a peek to her eyes and grinning as his ass ground against her cock, "things finally got interesting."
Cami's Courier - What's in the box?
And in another hour she'd be at super light with six hours to nap and relax before break out. "hmm, what're you doing there little yellow light?" she mused.
Chaos in Jelasar CH.1 - How it all started.
out into a hefty laugh as he pointed at the now hissing feline against the walls of the hallway as she shouted out "y-you're a dick!"
battle plan A: was AWESOME !....but it's CRAP !
I'll tell you what we're going to do ,we're going to break out of here, we're going to beat some ass and then tsume here is going to get pete and i will beat, shoot, stab and murder barbossa tsume: that's a nice plan and all jake but we can't do that