A Gambler's Share

A Gambler's Share The Manchurian hare doe sat at blackjack table six and looked around while the dealer shuffled the cards and loaded the shoe. It was early evening in Macau, and the casino attached to this luxury hotel was almost empty. Only...

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Our First Meeting

It went silent as I was dragged through the mall being taken to where my date for today was supposed to be. Alepo he was a happy go lucky person, not very cares in the world, he only wanted me to be happy and not be sad all day. I wasn't completely...

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Suspended Sentence

Suspended Sentence A Tale from the Agent's Lounge Being a bartender at a secret espionage agency is a pretty easy gig. The only time it really gets busy is when there is when new agents are in training, and even then they are only allowed to drink...

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Cloak and Dagger Part 2

"You _WHAT_?!" Aiden's Lord roared. The big cat paced back and forth, his tail lashing behind him. The lion's scent was tinged with anger. "I'm sor--" he started to say before a heavy paw wacked him across his jaw. He quickly shut his muzzle and...

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Project Faction - Mirella Juniper ~ version 0.2

"Your part is done, Juniper." He said to his partner, despite the pain. "But you can't do it alone. You need me, now more than ever." Juniper Replied, understanding his intentions. "My leg is shredded, June. I'm bleeding out as we speak. The...

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An Opus for a Penguin

An Opus for a Penguin The new Minister of Public Safety looked up as a tall, muscular, golden-furred FOX entered her office. She had been expecting him. She had heard from her colleagues in the parliament about this fellow, Canada's current...

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Special Access - Chapter 4

SPECIAL ACCESS Chapter 4 - Spies cannot be usefully employed without a certain intuitive sagacity." - **Sun Tzu** It was dark already in Ottawa by the time Silver and Vikki finished their drinks and decided to take...

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Rogue Sword - Ch 11: Entrusting a Cat With a Fish

**ROGUE SWORD** Chapter 11 - Entrusting a Cat with a Fish The next day passed in a blur for Kyroo. He barely remembered the interview with the big silver fox that had not introduced himself. The combat instructor, a huge doberman with blood-red...

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Naive Trust

As he talked with ali, he had no idea that sierra was spying on him. the flyer had perched on a nearby tree, and remained hidden in the shadows. nobody noticed his absence.

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The Courier Run

**The Courier Run** One of the most common questions agents ask each other is how did they end up in the spy business? Hardly anyone, myself excluded, ever grows up intending to be an espionage agent, intelligence analyst or assassin. Most never...

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Emma Peelspaint, Skunkgirl Spy (Skunkgirl Stink Fetish Comm)

John Steer lifted his fist, his knuckles rapping against the painted wood of the apartment door. A moment passed, and then, with a soft click the door was unlocked and opened, a smiling figure standing in the doorframe. "Yes? How may I help you?"...

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Special Access - Chapter 8

SPECIAL ACCESS Chapter 8: Sanskrit Proverb - The wind sweeps the road clean. Many other things were happening in the time it had taken Marcel to get to Washington D.C. and become a casualty. As the former Chief...

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