Through the Horizon: A New Threat

Once everybody is inside, send us to battle ready status." the control room scrambled with activity. bane ran into the room followed by dasher and said,"report!"

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The coliseum (Players)

It's called "gem battle" and it's all you hope it would be. you don't get all the powers that you saw in the war, but that comes later. in the online game you get only parts of mega gems each. so you want to go all out and get home game.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Nineteen

They continued moving forward, being wary of the combat infections and the cluster of vines that were capable of targeting them. moving through the ship, they didn't run into any more combat infections.

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Born to Serve - 07

Panicked whimpers occasionally slipped from maya's lips as the battle played on.

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Shadows Bleeding From The Light:Prologue Part 2

Tokam had been thrilled to begin his battle training. he wanted to be the best. he volunteered for battle after battle, but lost every one. as the session was ending tokam begged for one more try. he remembered mr.

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Shadows Bleeding From The Light:Prologue

Tokam slowly raised his head from his mother's side. The early rays of dawn were shining through the hollow in their tree. He stood and watched his mother sleeping for a moment. The sceptile's form dwarfed his own. Tokam was a treecko, and was tiny...

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Ring Bond Chapter 1

.** every year in farvale, dozens of magi who had just turned sixteen went to their local dragon farms, picked out their first dragon, and set out to build a battle-dragon team. balteus orion was no exception.

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Chapter 34: Paving the Way

You mean the battle?" "yeah. we've got so much going against us, i just wonder if we can beat them back and take the fight to malefor." she explained. spyro thought for a second before talking.

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Chapter 38: The Final Key

You should aid them in their battle." "what?! the others are alive?! terrador? cyril? volteer?"

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Rebirth ch30

Tools that could be used to battle.'

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Pokemon: A Love Story - Chapter 1

At once the battle began, groven charged at the squirtle, faking a quick left, only to dodge right, landing a powerful leaf blade attack to cody's back, knocking him down.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Twenty-Three

#60 of legacy of the veiled stars the battle goes well, but the alien parasite a hardened veteran in battles. "our communication attempts with the fleet have failed too," one of the stealth's reported.

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