Birthday Sex

He checked to see everything was in place and as he did he heard the front door open and closed the closet.

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Ghost of a girl

Dark, cold tunnel, which was located in a closet. - how weird, lin whispered to herself. that tunnel reminded her about narnia. she placed her left back paw onto the floor of the closet. it was stone cold.


A furr at Freddy's: your greatest nightmare! (part 2)

I walk over to the closet door, confused as to what it may be, i open the closet door and turn-on the light \*hiss\*, i jump back and than look at what is in there, it is foxy, with big sharp teeth, leaning out the closet slightly, i close the door. after

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The Suitcase

As he passed by the closet he opened the door and glanced at the suitcase inside as if to make sure that it was really there.

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Jamie's Trip to The Fair

"just walk right in and let the closet fit your new suit!" jamie took a step up onto the floor of the closet and stood naked, facing the crowd of mascots, waiting for something to happen.

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He asked, taking tokie's paw in his and leads him into the closet. ash snickers, "yeah i don't think that would be much of a problem. right guys?" the rest chuckled softly as they watched tokie and their teammate go into the closet.

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FnaJ 3 (part 3)

I opened the closet door and flicked on the light, foxy was standing upright in the closet... i flicked off the light and ran to my bed and than to the left door. there was no breathing so i flicked on the flashlight, jack ducked out of view.

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Growing Up

He went back in the closet for whatever was next and paused. under where the box had been was a bundle of tan plush.

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Panic During the Night (Tales of Drake and Xello Ch. 3)

He grabbed both and quickly went back into the closet, closing the door behind him. the closet was fairly large he noticed. "drake, you still awake?" he asked. "barely," a reply came from the right. it was extremely weak of a reply.

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Play and Ownership Chapter two

Kais turned to watch raith's swishing hips and tail as she walked to her closet and opened the door. kais gasped; the closet was massive. it was its own room and it had lots and lots of cloths.

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The new wolf chpter 3

"i told you, some sick pervert was in our closet and he escaped! he's probably jerking off somewhere just thinking about what he saw." tiffa has no chill. while millia was talking to tiffa, i went to the closet the 'pervert' was hiding in.

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