Jeremy; List Of Species

Once they introduce domestication that pressure rapidly eased. they thank the wolf with a special day during celebration day week for taking the lead in accepting domesticated meat as a substitute to predation.


Zoids: History of Zi - Part 001

The domestication of fire would prove to be a major boon to the species. it allowed them to advance in their evolutionary development.

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The Prince and the Beg: Chapter One

You see, in the arab culture, all wolves and dogs were considered filthy, and usually not allowed in domesticities. foxes were said to be the cats of the canid family, and as such were always clean and prudent.

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Asantrea - World, Concepts and Characters

Amel's role as a goddess of culture, renewal and purity makes her a popular domestic goddess, as well as a mediator of conflicts.

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The Chronicles of the Seven: Overview

The people have domesticated galli---large chocobo-like chickens that eat plants and insects---for various foods and services.



**l** ook at any public forum on zoophilia, and you will find written statements of how domesticated animals sometimes enthusiastically show either pleasure during sex

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False Moon 6: Inquisitor's Work

Having a half-domestic, half-predatory heritage meant he was never truly accepted by his peers. his fur pattern in particular made him visibly different, showcased his domestic side more than his wild half.

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #14- The Lynx Links

"doubly so," replied the domestic feline, "since i've had the general manager duties to handle as well!"

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My Daily Pet Ritual - Chapter 1

#1 of my daily pet ritual my first contribution to the human domestication guide universe! a story about two adorable florets who live a charmed life under their mistress, the affini rosa rubiginosa.

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A Dragon's Dilemma

"i just killed my chosen for a domesticate who rejected me. because i was too proud to send him away and thought i could change him. i'll never live it down." it was true she didn't have a say in the matter.

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Issue 02: The Folks of Daracoss

They are also found as domesticated mounts and are loyal to their riders.


If he could speak (non rape version)

Ivan overheard about a domestic battle challenge and he had never heard of it. he had been in wild battles but he thought they were the same.

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