Times Arrow: The Rescue

#1 of times arrow the rescue. john was in his usual recon spot, overseeing the town square. the crowds were forming as they always did on an execution day.

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101: Patch to the rescue?

Earlier, Perdita was just leaving the farmhouse to lead Thunderbolt to the food. There were bags and bags of Kanine Krunchies in the loft of the barn, and the only way up was to use a ladder. Dogs weren't especially known for using ladders, but Pongo...

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Task Force - Rescue

I stepped out of the jet and stumbled as my body adjusted to walking. I looked around. We had touched down at an allied air force base. The airfurs here wore khaki...

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A Not So Successful Rescue

Sashae, the young, orange furred, Pandaren priestess, was bent over an injured Troll, mending his wounds with holy light. The ongoing rebellion against Garrosh was causing a lot of casualties and she found it hard to keep up. For every Troll or Orc she...

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A Dragons Rescue. Memories

#2 of a dragons rescue well this is coming along quickly isnt it? "dang! there goes another one!" joe says as yet another fighter jet goes screaming low over the city into the mountains not too far away from the small town.

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A Dragons Rescue. The Encounter

#1 of a dragons rescue yall ready for it? here it is. the intro to yet another story. should prolly go back and work on the other two now eh? what the hell is up with this formatting?

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Chapter 04 - Rescue

Rogue noticed his failed maneuver and dove back in to rescue him. to her surprise, he recovered quickly and rolled under arukenimon's trajectory. rogue thus placed her back in arukenimon's path but with far less time to evade.

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Merces Letifer - The Rescue

Silver sneaks into a secret prison to rescue enemy spy, svietlana navratilova.

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A Not so Daring Rescue

_Wrote this fairly quickly. I like the things that are in it, but there's no real story. It's pretty much just smut. So...yeah. If you're into that, then go for it._ My headphones blared in my ear as I tapped the crosswalk button, continuing to jog...

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a dragons rescue: teaser

#3 of a dragons rescue so life did what life does best and got complicated. im working on stories again, and here is a little teaser to prove it "come on were almost there" "mike just where are we going?" "home.

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Chapter 12 - The Rescue

The trio of heroes; Soulfox, Deadeye, and Geist, left the cathedral in a relative haste. The sky was cloudy, a remnant of the rain that hit the state of Georgia in recent weeks. It was November, one of the rainiest months in the state after all....

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Rescued by Big Ben

We return after an extended hiatus from "Et tu, Brutus?" ([https://www.sofurry.com/view/282885](https://www.sofurry.com/view/282885)) to address the fate of our Little Wolf friend after being betrayed by the jealous rottweiler, Brutus. The Little Wolf...

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