Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter7-Bravo

This way, those who are interested can read along, and those who might not be can skip straight into phase 1, chapter 8 without having missed anything. whenever i write it up, that is! until then, enjoy.

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Werewolf Tale II - Chapter 28 - ...Old Routines...

Saturday, nov. 11th, 2011 moon phase - full time until human again - 13 hours alex awoke well before one the next morning.

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"begin phase 6 : detailing" said six as he watched the progress. there was only this phase and the last phase left. the last phase would take the longest.

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Tyrant Lizard Caged

And then, right at the end - "_initiate phase four._" the final phase, it seemed, took the sucking, stroking, shocking, and vibrating from all the other phases, and pumped them up.

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The Nameless

_occupant vital signs monitor established heart rate: 37 bpm, rising steady blood pressure: 101 systolic, 73 diastolic, rising steady blood oxygenation levels nominal phase one thaw complete begin phase two_ the doors on the elevator hummed as they

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Shattered Demensions: Vex

I may phase through a few more things to investigate." "i wish i could phase with you..." kay pouted. vor rubbed his head against hers. "maybe when we grow stronger." had they been alone, kay would have hugged him.

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"Fine Print Fiasco 2" - Story by Kaz

I only have one more test for you to ensure you can pass onto phase 3, the final phase. it's quite simple actually...."

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Light Bane: Chapter 47

"there's _always _a phase two." "phase two of what?" asked azureath. "of a final boss. it will move on to the next phase if you injure it enough." "really, richie," said hans. "your otherworldly thoughts amaze me even now.

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Blood Red: Chapter One: The Administrator

Dragons always had certain phases of their lives; first was the hatchling phase, which lasted from one to one hundred years, at which time their scales are usually just soft, colored mirrors, and their eyes are practically large slits.

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The Final Assault Chapter One

Then he heard mars had been taken; now his plan was to exit phase space inside earth's atmosphere. it was dangerous, but he had to do something to save earth and what was left of the upa.

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Made to Order

"phase two. the client has requested ample hips and buttocks while retaining overall masculinity. androgyny package above the waist. proceed."

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On the Job Training

Hopefully, we'll be able to move him into the third phase without any further complications." "and then onto phase four?"

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