The Poem of Ecstacy

I especially held two species in high esteem: the ermine, also known as the stoat or the short-tailed weasel, and the european red squirrel, which looks not unlike an american red squirrel with ear-tufts and without the whites around its eyes.

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The Stripe: Issue #1

Joseph watched over her shoulder, eyes bulging, as a small red squirrel in a black costume dodged out of the way. he was familiar, too - joseph had seen him on the news several times.

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The Stripe #1 (by Danath)

Joseph watched over her shoulder, eyes bulging, as a small red squirrel in a black costume dodged out of the way. he was familiar, too - joseph had seen him on the news several times.

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First Day...

His gender and specie is: male and squirrel, red squirrel to be exact... his standerd apearence information is: saphire blue eyes, and has no hair other then his fur, his body and health conditions are both very good...

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Wondering Eyes

The guy was large doberman with short cut blond hair, the woman was a busty red squirrel with long brown hair and a meticulously groomed fluffy tail.

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The Charred Forest

She looked down at her stomach, gazing upon the little red squirrel nestled against her belly fur. the squirrel shifted in his sleep as the wolf stretched out, trying to adjust to the change in his sleeping space.

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a horse of course 3-birthday surprise

"very excited at the prospect of a sibling." his ear was teased by two fluffy tails and he was kissed on each cheek by a red squirrel and a skunk. "saja, angel!" he kissed them back. "i'm so happy youre here."

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Select Load Size >>> Large

_select load size \>\>\> large_ the red squirrel shouldered his way through the laundromat door, hefting a full hamper of dirty clothes in his arms. it was nearly 10:00 p.m. and a sunday night, so the place was almost empty.

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Crystal Dell Chronicles - To Hold Chapter 5

Mellissa said as she and arty stepped back to allow a red squirrel and a striking white furred ninetailed fox to exit the lift before them, the latter holding a bundle that as mellissa took a closer look was revealed to be a child wrapped in a heavy black

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Ray saw this and he stopped time and ran over to the little red squirrel. he picked him up and took him over to the rest of them then he made time start again. "what the hell."

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 0.1

After being told-off by valda, liam obviously thought better of trying to join the red squirrel in her wagon, and ended up returning to the one he had previously chosen.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 6.1 - Come Into My Parlour

"good aaaafternoon," the red squirrel greeted him, "how can i help you-oh, kumon-san!" "toka-chan, my aahpaw," he bowed to her, "i delivered your package."

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