A Tale of Grass & Fire Chapter 6.5: Cleanup
Use ctrl + f and search for %%%% to immediately skip to the beginning of any sexual content within the story. * * * grovyle was the first to wake up of the three, his arms pinned to his sides by the tight embrace of his trainer, jake.
The Worst Job in the World (with story)
This story contains gore and sexual content. michael leaned on his tall axe, letting the melancholy feeling wash over him as the handle dug into the soft wood of the platform. it was drizzling a little, and that made today even worse.
chapter eight
Of course, sexual content is rather encouraged in this rp variations 1x1 rp human and anthro mix other genders can be played as well.
The First Time
Warning: the following contains graphic soft vore with post vore scat and explicit sexual content. if you feel at all like this story might not be for you then it isn't.
Suspicious Minds ~ Chapter 3 ~
This is an m/m romance-ish sotry, this chapter does not contain any sexual content (hurray you lucky minors you!). enjoy guys! and a big thanks to wolfie!
The Power of Love Ch.1 De Ja Vu.
Also this story contains gay relationships and some gay sexual content so if you don't like that stuff don't read any further.
The Angry Beavers - It Happened One Norb
This story contains non-consensual sexual content between two males and should not be read by anyone who is not at least 18 or would be offended by reading this. you've been warned.
Your Guardian Angel
#6 of for the love of music warning: this story may contain items such as violence, sexual content, or suggestive dialogue. the content of this story parent's may not find suitable for children under the age of 18. but since no body obeys those laws.
Trent's Scenario
Warning: the following story contains harsh language, violence, and sexual content not suitable for younger audiences. viewer discretion is advised.
The Sasha Problem
The following story contains explicit sexual content and discussion between characters. also it is fanfiction of rick griffin's housepets! and assumes familiarity with the characters. reader discretion is advised.
Scott's Remote | Chapter 18 (NSFW)
This story contains explicitly adult material including suggestive and sexual content! do not read this unless you are over the age of 18 and are comfortable with consuming adult ab/dl furry literature!
Chad's Life Chapter 6: Baiko's History
This story should only be viewed by anthro's of the age of 18 or up(including mentality), it contains sexual content not intended for younger viewers. if you like anthro's but not yiffy, please escort yourself to a different site.