Death to Nightmare Chapter 1
It was certainly better than being dead.
991 Death as a Bookstore Lyonesse
Consult the readme at save point: death as a bookstore lyonesse aftertime death has disguised itself as a marbled lyonesse in its hiding place behind the bookstore.
Death from the Shadows - Introduction
#1 of death from the shadows just a brief intro to a series i am writing called "death from the shadows". this is not intended to be a full introduction, and will be fleshed out over time.
The Dark City: Canyon of Death
^_^ the dark city: canyon of death you've been under the water for some time now; the walls of the city are very thick. you're almost to your limit when you finally see the light from the moon appear.
Struggling to death Pt. 2
Ivy opened her eyes to a blurry room _Where am I? _She thought. She tried moving her head around to check her surroundings, but all she could feel was a jarring pain in the back of her head. "God, what the hell happened?! My head feels ready to...
Chapter 3 - Death to Innocence
"they're dead," he managed to choke out "they're all dead..." matheas knew not what else to do but let the panther ball his eyes out on his shoulder. he closed his eyes in shame, knowing full well he was the direct cause of this attack.
Torture then Death to the Black Wing
He sat down again leaving the angels to ponder among them selves, some nodded while others shook their heads, but the majority still desired her dead. the 23 year old sighed "cant we just keep her alive?
Death Games: Chapter 1
He must stare death in the face every day he steps into that arena.
Achilis -- Death to the Stupid Moose
Page=329434) **achlis -- death to the stupid moose** by: tyvara vincent stepped out of his car and took in a deep breath of pinewood mountain air. he missed the wilderness and the wildness of hunting.
Adventures usually lead to death.
Carefully, taking heed not to disturb any of the seemingly neutral dredges, the half-dead corpse of a man wandered about, picking up items and weapons without much worry.
Chapter one: The Dance of Death
The stench of death was heavy in the air, causing her to gag. walking amongst the dead corpses a dark realization struck her. she was to late. the foretold was dead. she had failed.
Death In A Business Suit P2
death in a business suit pt.2 i landed on the floor, my face buried in blue carpeting and i was wondering where i was, i looked around and saw cubicles with people typing away at keyboards.