The Next Step - Chapter 01 - The First Time
I bit my lip as i watched him mark her with his cum. i couldn't help but cringe a bit as i saw that some of his cum had made it into her hair, something she'd told me she wouldn't want. ever!
A Pink Rose
"would you, would you umm... mark me again?" she poked her fingers together a little anxiously, "i want to be claimed, officially this time."
Order of the Black Foot: Chapter 6: The Blademaster
The footprint on them was a mark of the dragon's dominance as much as it was a mark of their service to him.
Corruption Story: Jocks Get Blocked
The mole came, marking the two bullies with his seed, and leaving them looking blissed out. his seed warped their clothing into something like a harem's garb, with clear clothing and an exposed ass.
The Customer Comes First [Commission]
All i had the energy to do, however, was grasp at the wall to try to find a handhold and lean over to allow him to cover as much as my back as possible with his mark, taking an indulgent pleasure in the warmth.
Just Go Behind the Tree!
Alex was Mother Nature's child: she felt so comfortable out and about when she was in the wilderness that it was like a second home to her. She was the kind who was just as happy to throw away modern conveniences and return to the woods for a hike as...
Begrudgingly [Trade]
The taste of sergal lingered in my mouth, and the scent of her musk and mark clung to my nose. well, it's not the _worst_position i've been in.
How DMs Shift Reality Epilogue
Everyone's mark was the same, but only the white color of the academy kept it genuine.
Front-Row Seats [Trade]
He could feel the piss soaking into the thick fabric of his hoodie, and then through that into his fur - and, as he brought his muzzle up out of the ferret's pubes and back along his shaft, could already pick up the spice of the ferret's mark on the
Yellow Christmas [Gift]
Different feeling, receiving a mark across his body rather than right into his muzzle and throat.
The Good, The Better, The Best(iality)
You already look - and smell - like you've been marked, and _mine_wouldn't do this unless whatever marked you the first time wasn't actually very dominant... mm, good puppy. hey, otter."
Wake-Up Call [Commission]
Kage enjoys marking the inside of his mouth, straight from the source. it was a cold morning when the dark grey feral wolf stepped out of his den.