Todd's Coming Out (Part 9)

'we can all get a shipment in on time but there's nobody else who could've got out of that and saved a young mom and her daughter without thinking twice about himself.

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Star Fox Odium - Chapter 5

Once she'd figured out which shipments were going to be 'unfortunately misplaced', it was simple enough to find a breaching point - slip in an alteration of her own into the manifests.

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Nova Wars 2: New Contract

On rare occasions, they had stolen ships, weapon shipments, and on one shining heist, he'd managed to steal a whole fleet. best and worst decision he'd ever made, in all honesty.

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Voyages of the Mara: Prologue - First Flight

"and surely you could use some muscle for those heavy shipments you'll be bringing back, right?"

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The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether Chapter:14

"we lost the trucks carrying the shipment in the city, apparently they have a pretty good idea of where all of the network blind spots are. but, we could see the shipment being unloaded at the dry dock."

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The shipment was from a company looking to escape the coming war. tools, machines, parts - as the shipping documents said. plus he had picked up the container sealed. now all it needed was for customs to open it , verify it, and he'd be on his way.

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Log Error

Had we not have found it, all of our shipments in the pegasi system would have arrived 3 days late, at the wrong planets." "tell me the ships haven't left the docks yet!" commander xelva's voice was rising, her face clearly showing her rage.

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A Foxy Little Snack

He was part of a shipment bound for a high end grocery store. he was, in what would amount in human years to 17 years old. his body was lean and subtle, partially from a controlled diet and continued escape attempts.

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 31 of 37

I let him use the tunnels and he gives me the xanax, or hydrocodone, or oxycodone, or whatever he's pushing that shipment and he stays away from tiffany." i flashed back to infinitá on the night i first met kat. i was looking for tiffany.

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 35 of 37

Other shelves looked to have been placed haphazardly, perhaps to discourage anyone from walking all the way through, perhaps as an afterthought from transporting shipments to and from the tunnel.

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Summer Nights

Maybe i'll open up and tell him about having to clean throw up out of the bathroom; maybe he'll tell me about how late the shipment was today, or how the rest of the guys were still hung over so he had to load everything into the warehouse on his own

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The Dog Hole: Chapter 3 -- Lights Out

It runs everything, and we've had a couple of close calls where weather prevented a shipment from coming in. so we turn off anything we don't need.

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