Lord of Arms- Chapter 7

_ will thought as he continuously slashed at his opponent, trying not to lock blades. however, he found anderson easily deflecting his slashes.

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Syn and Arial: The Duel

Then, clenching his jaw, he snapped his head up, shouting in pure conviction as he slashed syn's blade away, spinning on his foot.

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leaving my corner

He shot me in the shoulder but i didn't feel it much so i slashed his chest causing four good sized slashes in his chest. he whipped the pistol a crossed my face causing me to reel back and he shot me three more times in the chest.

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Immortal, Season 2 - Chapter 20 - Commander Xoltan

Swiping his sword he slashed him across the chest. "foul beast! you shall not harm miss maia," he dove his sword through wendigo's chest. with a loud gasp wendigo seemed defeated.

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Immortal, Season 2 - Chapter 18 - Firey Heresy and Hungry Voilence

With another attempt he ran forward slashing at the monster repeatedly. with swift movement the monster moved quickly evading the attacks. only a few slashes landed across serveti's arms but nothing dramatic.

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XAvier's New hope part 14

He then growled as he ran towards xavier and slashed at him. xavier simply dodged each swip, his eyes searched for what ever it was that controlled his son. he then spotted it. xavier slashed and cut a small wire that connected to his spine.

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Raptors love Torture

He didn't move too slowly, but dragging was far slower than slashing. silthin grinned sadistically as the man screamed, their faces only a few inches apart.

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A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 4 - Reborn Anew -

James swiftly slashed downward onto the fiend's body, but it was quickly blocked by a horizontal slash, followed by several quick thrusts towards james, which he parried all except one, cutting at his leg. "james! he has loosened his grip on me...

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Kurt: the challange

He picked up a blue and red cat's eye orb as erebos popped next to him but when kurt picked up the orb he slashed and cut erebos across the gut as he did a down slash and put a gash on kurt's left arm.

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Other Options - Part 9

We were just about ready to get into my suv when i noticed that the tires had been slashed on the sides. there was no doubt in my mind that jeanine had done it because no one else in the building had their tires slashed.

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Hybrid War: Chapter 2

He slashed straight through her defense and had the strings wrapped around her and he smiled seeing her struggle to break them.

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