FnaJ (FnaF 1 song parody)
[verse 1] we're waiting these few nights to finally roam and invite newcomers, pleese play with us for many years we will be all alone we're forced to be still and play the same songs we've known since that day an impostor took our lives away
All His Faith
**Chapter One: Sudden Awareness** Nessus gasped for air as he rose from a water filled tank and his first instinct was to reach for his neck, shocked it was still there and not severed, which he found strange since not to long ago, or whenever time...
Great Sea Chronicles: Chapter Two
_Fire licked the streets and buildings, people running to boats to escape the raging fire, and the beasts that followed, a large feral beast stood behind these creatures, roaring with bloodlust as it lead its army through the streets, swords raised...
Great Sea Chronicles: Chapter One
The ship gently rocked along the waves of the ocean as it moved towards its destination, its Captain, a young Rito by the name of Marie Valerie, was at the helm of her ship, steering it towards land after a much needed break out at sea. Her crew was...
Great Sea Chronicles: Prologue
** Disclaimer and Note: This FanFiction will contain many different elements that was otherwise seen in the original content of Wind Waker** ** All Rights belong to Nintendo** This is a tale that has been passed down for generations, one of bravery,...
A Sick Day Off
Hello, haven't posted much in a long time and I need to get back to doing that, and what better way to start up again then to post another story :) Warning: Contains Incest and Male on Male action, if you or anyone else are offended my such things,...
Ele-Kinetic Chapter One: Flames on the Candle
The sun rose above the snowy mountains, giving it a white gold appearance that just took your breath away and the sunlight fell upon the small village of Midgar. Eve, a young Wolf Dragon stirred in his sleep before he was startled by somebody jumping...
Pride in your Rank
Morning, or should I say, an artificial morning loomed over the large city of High Charity, the light shown brilliantly off of the reflective surface of the Forerunner Dreadnaught that towered over the center of the great city. Morning, to Erud...
An Elites Tale [Part 2]
Nessus couldn't fall asleep because he constantly thought about his time with Mano, causing Nessus to get stiff. All he could do was turn over and try to get to sleep, but before he could actualy fall asleep, a ring came from Nessus's Com-pad, he...
An Elites Tale [Part 1]
One day on the Covenant Flagship _Persistant Journey,_ Commander Nessus 'Artumee was making a daily inspection of the ship. but something didn't feel right. Nessus knew that today was the Sengheili Mating Season and everyone on board was stiff like a...
Blank Verse Experiments #1
#1 of blank verse experiments here is the first of what i intend to be a series of experiments in blank verse. this one is done in iambic decameter, which i had previously said incorrectly was pentameter.
Snoopy Verse the Red Baron
Below my little square of white Upon white fields, white poppies blow. White clouds surround my lonely flight Hanging black-bordered high and low. Somewhere beyond the frame he flies Where the white air meets the white mud Waiting to blaze across...