Arein: Night terror

(as if i will get any fan art but wishful thinking i geuss) also i am very new at this story thing so if it aint the best sorry i just hope its some what enjoying ^\_^ * * * concept by lurking dragon story by fur ball oringal story kayla by prof.

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Arein: Elise's wet dream

She gave a deep purr as she felt the hands move softly up and down her curvy form, they started a massage over her fur.

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Arein: Dress ups?

Tight, so she then started to fluff out his chest fur and cover the part of the balls that started to show, as she worked the soft fur, she succeeded in covering up the fact that they were fake.

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Arein: Playing Around

The jalaxian sat there thinking and analyzing for a moment, "well lets see, you have fur all over your body, and a nice shine i might add. your nose looks human enough, except for the fur ofcorse.

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* * * concept by lurking dragon story by fur ball oringal story kayla by prof.

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Dungeons, Dragons... And Fur 2

And fur? disclamer: this story contains situations of a graphic sexual nature. if this offends you, then please don't read it.

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Dungeons, Dragons... And Fur 1

As she giggled to herself. and started to wash her soft fur, as she headed closer to the water fall.

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Cheer up!

A heavy blush could be seen under his fur. "remove my belt." pierpont's said with brown and mischievous eyes. jacob blinked a few times and then registered what was being said.

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Elite Force: Chapter 1

As you would think, a great deal of science is involved in this, as i simply can't write a book and make the characters furs. doing so will turn away those who seek a more sci-fi foundation.

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Scraps - Across the Æther

"Azure, please bring the last coil online." "Yes, My Lady." The assistant picked up the thick copper cable, and dropped the terminus over the last pin, tightening the screw clamp. The fox furrowed her brow a moment as she sat in the thickly...

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Throatwrecker: Patron Demon of Straight Razors

"still, i'm not happy with the resistance readings i'm getting on the contacts through the fur. i guess i could always do this the old fashioned way." she smiled as she opened one of the drawers of her storage cabinet.

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A Place for Ones Like These

It was toward this tunnel that lynn turned now, just as the light from michael's torch caught on the white of the fur of the lapin emerging from the far tunnel.

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