Astaroth Death in the family

She tried to regain some composure when she saw that an adolescent caregiver was approaching. the human girl smiled as she shook hands with the young fox: 'hi! you must be stephanie.

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Springtide of the Black Rose: Chapter 13: Black Holiday

The sound of empty bellies harmonized symphonious hunger harmonized between the adolescent pairing, "i love that sound!...

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Just Once: Side Stories: the Feminist

She did porn frequently enough and for a long enough time that she was able to retire and live off of a savings account by the time she was 24, and, unlike her many male friends, whose libidos peaked during adolescence, as a female, hers was fast increasing

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Innocence of Youth

What magical rite transforms an adolescent boy to a blooded man? must he journey to stars end and battle vast spiraling entities to secure his place. or must the child accept his own truth and be the man he wishes to be.

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Raziek "Blake" Draconis - Expanded Concept

It wasn't until his adolescent years he discovered that he was different, never having known his parents. over time, blake trained on how to survive, how to fight, and made the decision to live in hiding among the humans.

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Shelter from the Storm

My own adolescent urges fucked everything up. maybe it was because i was curious when i was eight that my uncle let me suck his cock. if i had been normal, like every other boy, i'd have told on him, but who would have believed me, my mother?

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Melody's Fate

\*\*\ ***WARNING\*\*\*** For those of you used to my older fiction, this is not the same beast. This story is the product of a dark, dank, cobwebby recess of my brain. This story contains non-consentual sex between an adult and a young teen. It also...

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Marf in Trouble

Marf awoke as though from a dream and found himself strapped to a padded chair. He tried to move, but his wrists and ankles were bound. "What the hell?" "Relax, Marf. Stop struggling. That's just for your own safety. Pay attention to me and soon...

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Story of Chai Raleigh, Chapter 1.02

He went silent and slowly turned his head around from hearing a large group of adolescence chanting fight through the loud booming music. "um...hope you come back soon..."

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Introduction Part 2

The elf adolescent felt his shoulders gripped by strong, ebon-skinned hands and he felt his balls prodded by the warmth of dh'rath's erection, which felt achingly rigid.

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Loli Pops, The Unexpected Summer Open Season

Hello all,It was suggested that I send out this notice, and this was the best way I could think of to do it. The group Loli Pops is now open to all. No muss, no fuss, no messy asking for permission. There is only one rule. At the moment, it contains...

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