Under the Overpass and Through the Alleyways

April showers were usually spread out thin in Crossroads City. The projected first week often had the steadiest rainfall to be seen throughout the valley, while the rest of the month could be further spent enjoying spring. Not too hot, not too cold,...

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Naberus (fanfic)

Screams and otherworldly cries surrounded me. Minutes or maybe hours before, I had been your average, sleazy corporate wolf enjoying scores of twinks to plow. The drugs, the booze, the copious amounts of...

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Our Last Valentine

The Motel 9 in Crossroads City had a reputation. For one, some of the more immature punks living in the nearby suburbs liked calling it the 'Motel 69', on account of many things. For one, the joke made too...

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Valentine's Day in Devout America

Valentine's Day started off as a Christian feast day honoring the historical figure Saint Valentine, which then gradually transformed into a celebration of romance and love over time. This was no different in Old America, but with the rise of the...

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Maverick Hotel Part 20

On the plus side, it was relieving to know Lowell wouldn't be the one interrogating Stephen. On the minus side of things, the thought of my brash, unapologetically atheist boyfriend introducing himself to my folks in a mission like we found ourselves...

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Beast in the Ivory Tower (preview)

It began as another day of drunk soliloquy. Breakfast time was spent motivating myself out of bed, ignoring the hangover and my desire for another screwdriver. The view itself happened...

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Ambrosia and Nectar (preview)

My chariot danced from the stars down to Earth. Peeking through the clouds and shining just as brilliantly as any rainbow stood the crystalline palaces on the summit. I gently landed the chariot at the courtyard entrance. One of Hephaestus' crafted...

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Fragile Paper

Friendships, or at the very least partnerships, can be such a fragile thing. Regardless of the black-and-grey-and-white world shared between private investigators, lawyers and the enforcers of the law, my...

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Easter in Devout America

Easter is considered a sacred time in Devout America. Celebrated as a festival dedicating the resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, this holiday is considered one of the least changed since 1997. This does not mean attempts have been made, similar...

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Cherry: Chapter 12 - Offer From the Devil

They brought me to the basement nobody knew existed beneath Dicky's Bar. Anybody aware of its dark presence either rightfully kept their traps shut or never walked out the same way again. Most of the time, any...

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Financial Gaslight

"That's when I knew I couldn't take it anymore...I needed to find someone like you, to get the evidence I need to prove I'm not...I-I'm not crazy. Or jealous. Or terrible with memory or my spending." My newest client sat across from my desk hunched...

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