The Show Must Go On [Commission - TF, Puppets]

With a sweep of his cloak, Lord Moonlight found himself pacing back and forth backstage. The unusual creature was a patient fellow, but not when his show was on the line - intimidating but grand nonetheless, he was donned to a tee in the best...

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Star of the Show [Commission - TF, Puppets]

Gently, Shen straightened up as he cradled the delicate puppet in his arms; this gift had been unlike any he'd ever gotten in his life, and it warmed his heart that Randall had been so thoughtful. Many people didn't really...

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RVA: The Red Vixen Redux

"This is going to be an interesting conversation," Rolas noted dryly, as their personal skimmer hummed along the road to Greenholme Colony's Governor's Mansion. Not wishing to waste time, they'd driven it straight out of the cargo of the borrowed House...

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perfume - poem

Oh what have we become You and me were together once so happy and young Have you ever lost something so precious that could never be replaced But only to be found years later, when its value has gone to waste Now all we have left is bittersweet...

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my venom - poem

your lips taste of poison but your words sound so sweet You are my venom snake so sink me with your teeth Tear into my flesh and let me feel you deep Bite me hard and let me feel you drain Into my blood and pour into my veins

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paper hearts - poem

Paper hearts lead to paper cuts Designed to bleed others dry Hearts of glass break so easily Made to fall apart and cry Hearts of glass are so sensitive, gentle While paper hearts are careless, unkind Hearts of glass must be strong to keep from...

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self perception - poem

If only I could show you If only you could see If only you knew I want you to believe You are better than whatyou know What you think and see Better than the self you perceive to be

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9. Drive (100 Theme Challenge)

While there are some skills you learn when writing one form, for example, a better vocabulary from writing poetry, they can be applicable to others, an expansive vocabulary can be used effectively in technical writing.

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100 writing challenge #1 Introduction

#1 of 100 writing challenge my best friend ben started doing this 100 writing challenge thing and i figured why not join him. it will help me become a better writer, and who knows maybe i will make a friend or two while doing it.

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The Writer

(i consider this a rather extreme case of "write when you are inspired"; i write for entirely different reasons.) **the writer** rather than doing his calculus homework, the otter felt compelled to write.

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Dragon Heart: Ten (Book one done)

Who would have guess writing about your father would take this long to write. i looked over and saw my mother and father lying beside each other sleeping, i wanted to keep this to myself until i was finished and now i was.

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The Long Haul

The Long Haul Chester waited for the hatch to open. He whistled to himself as he leaned against the steel wall. The door finally slid up to reveal Hudson, arms crossed waiting impatiently. "What took ya, hot stuff?" he said, tapping his toe...

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