Para-Imperium Technology

Plasma projector: the electrolaser was a 21st century experiment in "less-than-lethal" weaponry, the idea was that a laser could ionize a path of air that an electrical charge could follow to a target.

Publication I-1117

-- dimension 111-011-153 af reference: the boneheap reference name: multi-species mirror universe technology level: modern (21st century equivalent) synopsis: generally a mirror universe to iau standard in the 21st century.

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Red Snow

A century had pass since the war and planet x1 looked much like earth during the early 21st century, though there were different laws to accommodate different race.

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Ricky Paszek Bio

Yes, he could rely on his boyfriend to bring in the big bucks, but this is the 21st century. it's impossible to have only one house member work while the other stays behind to take care of the home nowadays; everyone needs to contribute somehow.

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Origins of Chaya the Shiny Espeon

At first she was afraid that he only wanted to use her like everyone else, but he soon gained her trust took her in and helped her adapt to the 21st century.


Michael and Amanda, Introduction

#18 of michael and amanda in the late 21st century, michael thomson has graduated from the university of georgia with a degree in computer information technology.

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--let's see what this 21st century is about, shall we?" felis boarded the tour bus, drawing strange stares fom the elderly woman seated next to him as he licked the back of his hand in preparation to grooming himself...


The Cold Wind II: Taniwha (preface)

But i'm sure you'll cope, and hopefully you will end up joining the rest of us in the 21st century, eventually ;-) remember 2.54 centimeters to the inch and you'll be just _fine_, i promise!

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Tales of Sniper Fox - Prologue

Mankind, as it was known in the early 21st century, was no more. in 2023, two comets of unknown origins and consisting of material never categorized before or since passed within a few thousand kilometers of earth on opposite sides.

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Existence: introduction

By the turn of the 21st century humans developed a serum that altered a person's genetic codes and turned them into furries. at first, it was a small thing.

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Captured Classified Proposal

Xenos drakos fylates (xdf) is a sizable and well-equipped private military contractor that arrived on the international scene at the beginning of the 21st century out of seemingly nowhere. their first notable appearance was at the i?????-????

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