Werewolf hero part 1

Dark asked as he took out his ak-47 that has the magic ability to never run out of bullets.    "sure you're more than welcome to join us dark. we be happy to have you on our team." vince said waging happily.

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Regrettable Circumstances: Ep.1 Pt.1

He raised the ak-47 and prepared to fire... leon pulled the trigger of the ak so fast that it was almost as if it was fully-automatic, as one after another fell, the mob didn't shrink.

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My Hero and Me: My Greatest Adventure Ever 10: The Classes

Two of them appeared to be wielding eight-round magnums while the third was holding an ak-47 which he was aiming right at the poor defenseless civilians. "nobody move!" the guy with the ak-47 shouted. "try anything and we'll kill you all!"

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Empire: Chapter 3-Battle DC

It was ak-47 versus m4a1 once again as we swung our hammers as hard and fast as we could.

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He grabbed a pillow and tore it apart, revealing an ak-47 that was inside. he used it to shoot a vase which contained a key to a secret chest in the basement. with the key he opened the chest and found an other key for a door in his closet.

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The Ultimate Showdown of Old Godzilla

-47 out from under his hat, blew godzilla away with a rat-a-tat-tat, but he ran out of zilla and he ran away, because old godzilla came to save the day.

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The great war (Part 2)

Fox ducked as a enemy with a ksg shotgun blasted the wall he was behind,and maxie popped up and sprayed the guy down,and fox popped up and fired rounds at hostile enemies who were firing at him with ak-47's. "this is fun ain't it?"

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K-495 chapter 5

I yelled, looping the ak-47's strap over my shoulder, tossing it on my back, as i started to climb the ladder on the side of the conning tower.

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RE Fan-fic Character Sheet

She also carried an ak-47 and a desert eagle, both of which show she's not afraid to take off any heads. of course, any team needed a sniper, and that's where blaze came in.

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A short story.. By Karter Demonica

\*damien stopped and thought for a few minutes before smirking back and raising an eyebrow at his younger hellhound hybrid brother, while holding an ak-47 in his paws\* [color=red] damien: "that's not gonna happen they're gonna have to kill me

A Friend In The Wastes: The encounter

He glanced down at his ak-47, making sure it was cocked. he dove back through the door opening fire into the corner but only hitting the bare wall. he glanced around the room, searching for his attacker, but only seeing an empty room.

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Almost Perfect - Chapter Two

A german shepherd swung an ak-47 from underneath his desk. i ducked for cover behind a desk as a series of bullet holes riddled the wall where i had just been standing. "yep, this is the right building," i answered myself.

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