Sweetie belle's voice was strange, all throaty and smooth, doing nothing to quiet diamond tiara's apprehension.
Ups and Downs (Rarity version)
diamond tiara then charged her with an angry yell. but the filly gave her a hard head butt made even harder by the helmet she was wearing. i watched as diamond tiara held her head in pain, ready to step in if things got anymore intense.
Rise of the Serpent Queen Chapter 3: Hidden Desires
As they rested however, diamond tiara and silver spoon slowly awoke, their eyes now having a green tint to them.
Ups and Downs
I could feel my already great disgust with diamond tiara become even greater as i listened to her yell. "you're the most unpleasant child i have ever known, diamond tiara. your name should've been muddy pebble."
Finding My Place
diamond tiara glared at me and growled, "this isn't over, blank flank. you better sleep with one eye open from now on."
Lifting the Illusion
Nightmare moon asked while giving diamond tiara her undivided attention while i listened to every word. diamond tiara, now with a bright smile on her face, continued. "uh huh. and i always wear it.
Home to Stay
Namely diamond tiara and silver spoon. diamond tiara nuzzled my chest as she held onto me. "thanks again, james...
Wrong Kind of Marks
To the absolute delight of the trio, they learned that diamond tiara and silver spoon had suffered the same fate.
Risks of Exotic Romance
Along with apple bloom and sweetie belle, i saw diamond tiara and silver spoon sitting at small wooden desks lined up in three rows.
Between Rainbows and Butterflies
diamond tiara lifted her head and looked to her left, finding that all of the kids who just minutes ago were paying us no mind had all lined up and were silently observing us. "diamond tiara, what's wrong?" sweetie belle asked with a look of concern.
MLP The Chronicles of Fierce Charge: Making and Strengthening Bonds
"you hush up there, diamond tiara." apple bloom said angrily, but kept her voice down. "i bet they're going to tell us about how he lives in the tower outside of town." the pony named diamond tiara said while laughing.
Beyond Friendship is Magic
I chuckled, knowing that i was not really wearing boots when i made my threat to diamond tiara.