Seven year train

In the next stall, the mighty roan red oberlander draft horse pushed his shaggy white mane out of his eyes.

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Designated driver Architect of revenge

The big draft horse killed it, and smiled at bjorn as he produced yet another bottle. clearly the big draft horse wanted to be a lot drunker... if he was going to rut another male. "yer a handy guy to have around..."

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Reduced Hormone Pacification Program.

The slug droned dolefully, as he went through the draft horse's paper work. "i believe that you will find the next hour or so to be very pleasant."

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Filly Game

Even the shame was gone, driven out by every wet, squelching thrust of the draft horse's shaft into his seed-filled ass.

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Older passions

As the big draft mare stripped though, dunlup slowly lets the saliva-soaked scrotum go, and sits up on the bed beside winston, rubbing the stag's thigh.

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Nightintodream vs Hooves

But the young draft horse pushes in between them again and gestures across the bar. watching as the zebracorn's glaze follows his gesture, then hooves eyes widen.

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A stunning revelation...

The young draft horse was wearing a brand new sweat shirt, from the local universities athletic department that strongly hinted the draft horse was an athlete.

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The gathering...

Dunlup looked at the draft horse's huge fucker, and shivered yet he was certain he could hold out longer that dunvar. "ok deal."

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Slammed... A turning myself out story

The fat draft horse taunted, grabbing the smaller gelding and pushing the passive whore farther into the room. "it's ok with us... bo." gary the buckskin stallion snorted, as he puffed on his cigar as he looked over at the fat draft horse.

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Power of the Plant

The big draft horse smirked, shaking his big head. "denny likes mares... hell thats all he talks about some of the time." the big draft horse snorted... thinking about the horny little pony.

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Master of the house Chap 2

Russie snorted, gesturing for the draft horse stallion's to remain silent as he moved around in front of the helpless older stallion.

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