The personal files Frank Timpson #2

Even with the digi-armor of the egyptian god set, witch now resides in his name, there was no mistaking what was standing before us... the grate and evil, blackrenamon.

The True King of Egypt 2

Even though it seemed that his prayers were answered the fact he had already seen the corruptive effects of one egyptian god.

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Astro and the Buried Boner: part 9

> > anubis's reaction confirmed that...astro gave the egyptian deity a "wop" on the nose to keep him from giving himself away and pulled on the leash to get anubis to follow him while awash explained the ank to atlas...

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Hunting Shadows: Baxley's point of view part 4

"i am wepwawet, the egyptian god of the wolves." wepwawet said, smiling warmly. "n-not possible...." onyx murmured, his eyes wide. "really now? then how do i know of your magic? the answer is, it was invented in ancient egypt.

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Gazing around the store, alex beheld a statue of the egyptian god anubis. he could almost feel the weight of history pressing down on him.

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Clans of the Masquerade Prt 4

. ------------------------------------------------------------ **followers of set:** also known as the setites, this clan of vampires is a religious cult dedicated to the ancient egyptian god, set.


Worldwide Sex Wrestling League, 2nd Round: Enter Your Name

"egyptian god versus mayan god, that could be a nice matchmaking." "true, but he is also the acting champion, and i don't want to give lucas- sorry, anubis, here, too much of a push."

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The Faux Statue

The statue's face was that of the sun-god ra, the god of all egyptian deities.

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In less than twelve hours he's found his best friend dead, been chased by murderous shadows made flesh, and managed to piss off the ancient egyptian god of death (no easy task as anubis is a genuinely nice guy).

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Astro and the Buried Boner: Part 7

"ummm.... why aren't you helping me split this egyptian god?" "because i'm fucked out tired and out of the mood?" astro replied. "but it doesn't mean we can't kiss each other huh?"

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Chronicles of the Tetrad Chapter 2: Kitten of Dust

Laugh all you want but they take their ancient egyptian deities seriously. not so much for me, so with my natural aptitude for machines we became fast friends. after a few minutes of silence however, he now became more of a wall to wail at.

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Catnip, a Halloween story

I introduced myself and she told me her name was bast, and she was named after an egyptian goddess. she patted a spot on the couch next to her and i sat down.

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