Fire Branded Leather: The Cracks Begin to Show
#8 of fire branded leather will has enough in his life to be happy. a stable job as assistant fire chief, good friends, and enough money to keep his food bowl full. what more could a dog ask for?
The New Heifer
The moon was full, small dark clouds passed over the white orb that seemed just within reach of the tree tops. Buds coated everything, the first little trash sprouts before the leaves burst into the air off the branches and alight the area in hues of...
Something Wicked This Way Comes...
fire branded leather book one of the fire dog trilogy a v-town story coming november 15'th
A Striped Tail Chapter 14: Wednesday Afternoon
But for the first reason, fire branding," he said coldly. the serval swallowed, unable to form words or protest further. so the patrician continued, "as i understand it, a fire brand is reserved to punish those of the most heinous of crimes."
A Striped Tail Chapter 13: A Long Night
"i know he's scary, but would you show him your fire brand?" she looked up at him confused, and he gestured to her shoulder. she stared at him and then suddenly realized what he was talking about.
A Striped Tail Chapter 12: Safety in Numbers
"she says i'm super good at magic, cus i was fire branded." that was a term that seemed...very familiar to him, but he couldn't quite place it. "fire branded?" she wore a huge grin on her face. "yup! and i'm so excited for tonight, mr.
Life of a Dragon Slave 2
The fire brand have enough room for their whole family, which consisted of five members. the house was build out solid concrete and wood. it had all the appliances of all houses.
Chapter 1 - In the Beginning
For example, if one wanted to ensure that on the day of the procedure they received a fire brand, all they would have to do is contact a sealbreaker. this activity is illegal, of course.
Burying the Magic Bone
It was like a hot fire brand was being shoved up his ass, and it only got worse with each push. "ooohhh, soooo tight," moaned natasha, easing up on her grip a little in order to speak.
Paying the tax man
Her hefty thigh's parting for him as he settled between her legs her sex burning like a wet fire brand against his heavy fill balls.
"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Part H
Bearing in one paw the sword or fire-brand. bearing in the other paw the holy symbols of their goddess, the goddess they called fuma."] a glare.
Delivery Made Special
Boy was she a fire brand then and still is even till this day. despite the fact she's not a anthro like myself but, she's definitely feisty like one. trust me she's strong enough to keep my long fluffy tail in check.