Undead Hell Ch.2

Thats when i reliezed that everyone was staring at us,like we were a freak show at a fair or something. "i'm sorry guys, this is joseph the guy i told y'all about." "okay," i sai d to myself, "this is very akward."

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Commission: AHS - Gods and Monster(s)

She shivered slightly as she made her way to the lit torches to the freak show. the tent was lined with benches and a stage was set up at the back of the tent.

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A Certain Allure

But what attracted lloyd, was and had always been the freak shows. he remembered the first state fair that had actually mattered to him. _come see the dragon lady!_ _wonder of the orient!

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Zootopia: Dirty Hairy party 2

Yeah some of it matches that but this is a freak show. we have four victims and that's all i can say. this makes michael-angel-sloth's magnificent david the lion king a clawmark special price wise."

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Sins of the Father

It made toby draw in a deep breath and school his face as the well dressed man stepped into the back room behind the freak show, exclaiming with a bit of disgust at a few of the articles that were set out.

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Ch 3. Lost and found

You are not a freak show. you are not a freak. you're..." he paused as his intense eyes softened "you're beautiful to me." and he pulled me into a kiss.

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What's the Measure of a Man? I Don't Know But My Tail is Three Feet Long

Talbot, but also hide the physical changes as he slowly transforms into something that would be better seen in a freak show. a reupload to cap off the story. check at the end for an expanded author's note.

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Bear in a Box

He thought he suppressed his years as a slave to the circus, as a part of the freak show. "there are plenty of were's out there, i know it. they could just look 'em up. so why me?" that last question ran through his head over and over and over.

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Stream of Consciousness...

But hey, life is one big freak show, isn't it? why not point at another poor soul and laugh your heart out?

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Mister Shine came to town

"it sounds friendlier... not like calling you the bearded woman or something else like you came out of a freak show." i looked at his paw. "you're not sharing my bushes again without a shower.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 143

Tio buried his face in layla's chest and she instinctively pulled him into a protective hug, unable to look away from this shambling horror, this freak show that had absolutely no right to be alive.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 50

"what kind of a messed up freak show is this!?" he shouted, practically foaming at the mouth. "what kind of a farce!?" banno held his frown in place, and that only seemed to spur the little thing on to even greater anger. "yooouuu!!" he shrieked.

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