The Coupon

The dragon invites him in and after opening the gift (a coupon for free hugs that doubles as a coupon for a breedable partner), the dragon eagerly uses the coupon to start some lewdings.

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Companions Chapter 24: Elastic Collisions

And as my friend you are entitled to one free hug every day." "did that last one count?" "yes." "damn." [end of \_companions\_ chapter 24: elastic collisions] [next in series: chapter 25: showdown]

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Immorality - Temperance

She broke free, hugging herself to his neck while he tucked his arms underneath her holding her to his chest. "you're amazing kayla you know that?" ross asked her, a smirk crossing his features at the pleased expression which she now wore. "bui-bui!"

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Arcadia: Changed

"and how'd you react if the badlands became filled with hippies and guys holding up signs for 'free hugs'?" "i'd die," savage said grimly. he paused a second before grinning broadly. "of laughter. i'd find it fucking hilarious. can you imagine?

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