We two: No time for love

Lagers were free cause it was happy hour and he knew the bouncer. the bouncer was jay funnily enough, you wouldn't think it but jay is a great fighter. "kay kay boss, coming your way." the barkeep said with a smile.

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Zero Point: Chapter 4- Downtime

"happy... hour?" krystal inquired, setting the bottle aside.

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The Red Princess and Her Trooper Season One EP2

To change the topic she asked ayn what made her leave her happy hour so early all of a sudden, "so, what was the exact reason that led you to leave early?".

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ULTRA random-ness

Like a drunken sailor at happy hour, he realized that his beloved spanky me monkey was missing! immediately he called his bed-friend, flare. sky had known flare for (plus or minus) half a million years, the majority of which were saucy ones.

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A Warm Welcome Home

He would often skip the bar rush, skip out on happy hour, and make his way right home from a long day on the job, finding he scarcely had the energy to drink, and didn't want to spend his money on a temporary solution to a permanent problem.

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She's Such A Tease - Damsel In Distress Pt. 8

'i'm drowning my sorrows at happy hour.' he hung his head in his paws and rubbed his temples. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* ryan walked back into the flashing lights and throbbing music of the club. 'skyler should be here by now.' he thought to himself.

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Gap Year: Things That Can't Be Taken Back

It was happy hour, but jake and i abstained with a glance to one another and ordered coffee instead. "nous voudrions deux café s'il vous plaît," jake said to the young ferret who smiled and nodded.

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Monastery (Kreet 6)

Since she was no human girl, the awkwardness that they might have felt did not appear, and the three spent many happy hours together.

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Tina's Story Chapter 9 -Secrets

" " i'm taking rosa to happy hour at the hyatt regency...two-for-one drinks, and they have a buffet....want to join us? " i think i'd like that......" " then meet us in the lobby at five.....

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The Stalker

"come on charlie, it's happy hour at franklyn's, let's go."

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Pets Side Story: Beginnings

Just do what you're asked when asked and soon you'll be back to saving the world from half priced juice at happy hour. the point of all this is that even a nobody like me is occasionally called to serve his time.


Newka Chapter 3 ( Forgetting Todd)

Feeling a little left out and a little devilish he slowly crept forwards and took a look in the hallway mirror which showed him the reflection of benji and sabre in the middle of their "happy hour" feeling a stirring in his own loins newka looked down at

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