The Puffy Pool-Toy Predicament - Commission -
Veil was is a hard-working young Anthro wolf who lived in Arizona, he was a creative problem solver who's crafting skills were virtually unmatched. His fur was black and white, and very soft, which got him a romantic partner early on in college....
The Queen's Horsie
The Queen's Horsie For repanbo By Draconicon The country of Min was in the process of a cultural and industrial revolution. With the ascension of a new queen several years back, the kingdom had finally been yanked forward from the...
Rubber Lilly Pad Trap - Commission -
Derek was a young man who had moved out to Ridgewood to do some freelance work. Luckily for him, he was able to get himself a really nice house with a back door pool. His work involved things such as cinematography, and screenplays. Whenever he...
Escaping the Pack Chapter 2
"oh no i'm not much on horse play" "oh come on sean don't be such a stick in the mudd" he kept trying to play with me by nipping at my ear...but something..bad happend. hennessey happen to look down at my...uhm nether regions "oh...oh my.."
Accidents happen
Looking up at the horse playfully she opened her maw and took the six inches of soft horse shaft easily, giving a light moan. "mmmm. good little stud, i haven't done this since that accident but...
Blind Date
Running barefoot through the woods, riding horses, playing cowboys and indians, it was all very mark twain." felix's voice had a slight 'country' feel to it, not in a dumb hick or deliverance way but more in a rustic welcoming kind of way.
Keeping things lively
A couple of stallions play out ones long time fantasy... but things are not exactly what they seem...
Spring Break Chapter 6
horse play was one thing, but in paul's mind what biff pulled was akin to attempted murder, and he needed to pay for that, big time. the question was, how to beat the rat to a bloody pulp without being arrested.
Chapter 4: Blue Skies, Black Tails, White Fur (Short Chapter)
._ _kyle giggled a bit as the horse played with his head fur, and began twisting the horse's long black tail. kent murred as he moved the husky onto his lapping, rubbing his head as he layed him down.
The hostess giggled as the stallion played with her bouncy tits, leaking milk prodigiously while his own organ jerked and spit across his mate's tongue.
Friendships Developed: Chapter 3
He would instead just hit on the horse playfully for the days. they both enjoyed the harmless flirting but axtel really meant it, every word of it. axtel remembered the first time he hugged koten.
From stud to mare...
The big horse plays innocent, even as he needles the feline. "i'm a cheetah not... a kitty or a pussy!" the straight feline retorts. "oho... so where's your bag of cheetos?"