The Night After - Werewolf TFs
"Mmmph... mmm..." Peter mumbled, his eyes slowly opening as he woke up, the sun shining through the window onto his face. He sat up, letting out a loud yawn as he came to, glancing over at his clock. "12:15... man, I must have been sleeping like a...
Sketchdragone Trade: Her Future Becomes Her
The wizened sphynx cat stared into the crystal ball, rubbing her hands around it as she peered with one eye inside, while Tasha shifted uncomfortably in the uncomfortable metal chair, waiting for the spectacle to run its course. Inside the translucent...
Confidence Boost - Lion TF
"Damn it all... That was a complete waste of time..." Lance muttered to himself, walking home from a speed dating meetup. He had gone there in the hopes of maybe meeting up with someone or exchanging numbers, but his general shyness and worries had...
Birthday Bite - Weredragon TF
The day had been going well for Alex. He was another year older, and had gotten a fair number of cards, well-wishes and gifts from friends and relatives. The party had gone well, and he was in the middle of unwrapping gifts and cards that had arrived...
Boyfriend's Halloween Secret, Part 2
_Shakily, you bring your hands to the band of his briefs and start to work them down. They're in the process of tenting by the time you've gone far enough to expose the warm meat hidden inside. You sniff deeply of it and his crotch fur and find your...
A Simple Wish - Gargoyle and Demon TFs
"Damn, look at the rain coming down out there!" Crow whistled, watching the rain lash down against the ground outside. The pavement was almost entirely underwater, and he could barely see out the window to begin with due to how much water was splashing...
Revved Up - Shiny Koraidon TF
"Man oh man, I thought that encounter was never going to end!" Peter said as he rode across the Paldean fields atop his Koraidon, making his way back towards the nearest Pokémon Center. "I was starting to worry that I'd end up running out of balls to...
The Uncaged Beast - Arakkoa TF
"Damn... I really need a break..." Peter sighed as he leaned back into his chair, taking a break from gaming and chatting with his friends for a moment. It was later into the night, and he'd been at it for a while. A sense of general fatigue had...
Photographic Fun
The O'Donnells had demanded they stay away from the stables. Dave Finley and the two lovely girls had agreed to their terms for the sake of the farm photo shoot. Kate was not having any of that. Ever the enabler Dave even made sure to snap a few...
Tales from the Nexus: Sabre
**Tales from the Nexus: Sabre** _"Welcome boys and girls, men and women of all ages. This is the first instalment of_ Tales from the Nexus_, a collection of stories designed to entice, horrify, arouse, warn, shock, mystify and encourage feverous...
Kobold Sex Magic
Class was out at the wizard college. Two remained; the professor, a kobold and well regarded wizard alike,was confronting his so far human student, who was a precocious and pernicious sort of sorcerer. "Don't play coy with me, you're clearly...
Off The Beaten Path – Halloween Camp-Out
"So, do I need to tell you a shitty horror story, or..." Victor wasn't really expecting an affirmative answer: the six-pack of beer Ben had pulled out of the back of the pick-up truck was enough of an answer of what they were going to actually get up...