Sexual Melting Part 1

This is a story based on the "An American Tail" movie series where Mama suddenly feels sexually attracted to her son, Fievel. Fievel and Tony were heading back to their homes in their neighborhoods from New York. "How's Bridget?" asked Fievel...

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A Homecoming Surprise(3)

"J-James?" She said in panic. Quickly she tried to back away, only to slip on the wet floor. Out of instinct she grabbed James as a way to prevent herself from falling, only to drag him down with her. As they hit the ground, James' cock once more drove...

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A Homecoming Surprise Part 2

James was the first to awaken, the morning sun illuminating the room through a window near the bed. He was greeted by the sight of his sleeping mother's face just beside his own as well as the feeling of his cock, erect as morning wood, still...

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Otter's Daily Life- Dad's Home

The day Dad returned Kris wanted to make sure Jean and Kyle weren't around. She got out of bed in the morning and looked in the mirror. Her breasts were still a bit perky despite her age and she took pride in that. She looked at her red mound and...

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Breaking Boundaries

The low sighing breath of a rather busty middle-aged wolf groaned out as she swallowed down a gulp of fresh cum. The cock in her mouth slipped out, covering her face as she looked up lovingly into her partner's eyes. She opened her mouth to speak, but...

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April Fools Story: Mother and Son Time

**April Fools, everyone! I hope you've all enjoyed this terribly terrible story!** **Now, I won't claim credit for this epic trainwreck of a fap fic... the best (worst?) part is that THIS IS AN ACTUAL STORY SOMEONE WROTE many years ago... I've only...

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Otter's Daily Life- Dad's Gone, Day 6

Xeila belongs to: []( Kyle woke up around 10:30 the last day with Dad gone. He walked into the kitchen to find Jean sitting at the table naked. He was getting ready...

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A Homecoming Surprise

It was a cool Thursday night in February, 11:02 P.M. to be accurate, as James lay in his parents bed by himself. The lights were off and the only noise that could be heard were the sound of cicadas and crickets performing their usual evening symphony....

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Midnight Heat

Abigail lay on her side as she absently stared out of her bedroom window. She had been lying on her bed for the better part of the afternoon and lacked any kind of motivation to do anything but. Though her love for her husband had left when he did,...

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My First

**My First** * * * **All characters belong to: David Wesker ** **Story elements belong to: David Wesker** **Everything in this is copyright (c) Black-Tyrant Studios 2014** **--- WARNING! THIS STORY CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING ELEMENTS** **Teen...

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Magnum _pus

Magnum \_pus by BangBear It was dark and quiet in the house, the only things illuminating the rooms being the digital clocks and buttons on devices. Trevor had been lying awake long enough that his eyes had long since adjusted. He didn't need...

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A Quick Buck - Preview

I pounded my head on the desk. My account was nearly dry. I had been working all summer, but between gas and helping Mom out at home, my funds had not really had the chance to grow. The plan had been that I would go to school and finish up my creative...

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