Angels and Demons

First of all, this isn't nesicarily a story but this was the catagory it fit best in. Second, this was written some time ago and may or may not still reflect my views theology wise. An original work, any use or reproduction without permission with...

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Betrayed by My Own

Betrayal to the highest levels shattering my trust in those who I loved, why did they forsake me? His claws slammed the wall as tears flowed down his cheeks a fury that made him numb. "GOD DAMN YOU BASTARDS!!!, he screamed as a chair flew from his...

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Stranger In the Rain Pt. 2

On here the story is on part 2, but on FA it is part 3, errors, lol Anyway, this is a version that was salvaged when my computer failed on me. It isnt the version i wanted but it is close enough. Enjoy!! ^.=.^ Stranger in the Rain By Jet D....

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Sterling (06/13/2018) Someone once told me to 'be who you are', Even if that causes pain and leaves scars, But heeding their words I do not regret, I'd rather live true than tell lies I'd forget, But some of you do not live in the...

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The hunter becomes the hunted (part 4)

I woke up, the suns light only just peaking over the horizon. I go to the out house, do what I have to do than wake Cory up, he goes to the out house while I tell Deon we are going hunting. We get our guns and bullets and such, me and my .338 and...

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Was there ever love ?

Now this is a different story for me. I know I have done one like this before with my lucario story Love loss. Yet I feel this is a bit different. Some who know me know I love happy endings. With this one I have to fight to get there. I don't know if...

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_Bring It on,_ _Bring On Your Destruction,_ _Bring it On For You Are No Match,_ _Bring it On For Your Strength Is No Match,_ _Bring it On For Your Mind Is No Match,_ _Bring it On For Your Heart Is No Match,_ _Your Phony Heart Shall Not...

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The shock, the pain.. Knowing the truth, yet too scared to ask... I knew you lied to me.. I knew you were hiding something.. Why is it I know you ask..? Maybe its because of this so-called sixth sense I have.. I really truely loved you.. I really...

Kazuo: Part 2

Sitting up I called out, "Who is it?" "Clyde Jonson! We know you're in there! Open the door now!" I got up and unlocked the door. The person knocking on the door slammed the door open and walked in. He had a weapon with him. "You're not Jonson!...

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The Legend of Rory: Surprise

The little thirteen year old grey wolf sat quietly in the passenger seat of his father's car in his favorite skirt. The boy looked the perfect image of a girl with his brushed soft black hair like the night sky weaved into a silky hood. It fell lazily...

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A victory for Villains

The smell of alcohol was in the air. Reemon lifted his head up of from the small wooden table. He looked at his blue hands. He looked up at the old chandeliers, the small candles providing enough light. He looked up seeing the bar, there were various...

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Foxie scribbles 2.0

The feel of life, the taste of death The sound of your loved one's breath The world in motion, but this moment still Your mind filled only with the chill The world on fire, but his breath like ice Everything you freely sacrifice A night to...

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