My Great Big Brother- No Promise Left Unkept

It's just that i'm not quite dead yet, so i guess i'm a ghost until i get finished off." kyle looked to his right and saw the scythe he'd dropped on the floor turn to dust and smoke as it was returned to its owner.

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The Brakian Gambit - Chapter Two

One of lemaire's privates had already taken aim with the laser rifle and the moment the guard showed himself again, a pinpoint shot with the laser gun melted his face away, sending him to the ground in pain, but not quite dead yet.

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How to Become a God in One Easy Step

Retirement was that short time at the end of your life when you were too old to work, but still not quite dead yet. it rarely lasted more than a couple of years.

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The Man Who Would Not Kneel

Outside in the hallway one of the guards groaned feebly, not quite dead yet, then fell silent. "i am curious though" he asked after neither of them lunged or the other right away. "why?"

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