a Werewolfs love - chapter 2

His thoughts were brocken into when he heard "ahem" looking up steve saw the police man that had been walking toward him. "yes officer" steve said in a polite but bewildered voice.

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Buccaneers of Black Pond Chapter 2

She was stressing her disappointment, hoping to pressure the police man into doing something; anything other than have her wait. she had waited enough for several lifetimes already. 30. 31.

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Doberman and Throbbin, Part 2, Daniel's Story

With our injuries now treated, a police man comes towards me and luke, the german shepherd has a kindly look on his face, though he clearly has been affected by what he has seen.

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Love's Wings

Suddenly out of no where, a police man charged at the dark renomon. michael quickly thrust his left hand in the mans direction, and gathering energy in it, sent a ripple in time.

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Forgotten - Ch 1: Re-Learning (Edited)

The police man comes walking into the lobby and says, "ok! you're free to go. do you want anything to eat before you go? coffee? doughnuts? chips? pizza?" "no thanks" i say with a disgusted look on my face. "oh! im so sorry.

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Slave Hunter, 8

man question his loyalty to the job, but then comes the other side of things, the satisfaction you feel when you put a habitual criminal behind bars for a long time, now that is one of the best feelings ever, in fact there is only one feeling that trumps

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Drones with searchlights hummed overhead, armed police manned every street corner as the coroners and medics worked together to ship out the wounded and dead. there was no sign of the mob goons who had slipped out in the initial firefight.

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The Fursuit

Leon became to work as police man, he has a relationship with a nice human male, who like to hug him. they still life in town. alex was going to study in unifers after done high.

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Black(s) Past - Chapter I and II

The police man starts laughing. "he guys! we have here a new generation of jokes!" the policeman goes back to the other guys and laughs. 'he doesn't trust me...but maybe is it better so...'

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Slave Hunter, 7

"on this day, young christopher atkins becomes an honorary police man, and as such he will be afforded a true hero's burial" brandon now completely breaks down at the pulpit and so i quickly run to him and lead him back to our seat.

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The Legendary Aura Master series #7

The police man, now a little embarrassed, became agitated and said "everyone, out of the way. get back to what all of you were doing.

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Forbidden Love

He bit the police man. the other two pulled the dead man off and shot at his chest. the dead man staggered back and let out a deathly groan coming at them again. one of them lifted the gun and shot him in the head.

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